Rigamajig 動画を見る

Bringing Rigamajig to Communities Worldwide

Rigamajig wants to partner with communities worldwide by promoting STEAM education and fostering open-ended play opportunities for children of all ages. The initiative aims to enhance creativity, problem-solving skills, and collaboration among young learners. The introduction of Rigamajig offers a versatile and open-ended play experience, allowing children to design and construct their own stru...


Rigamajig wants to partner with communities worldwide by promoting STEAM education and fostering open-ended play opportunities for childr...




Việt Namではこのアイデアに対する資金提供はありませんが、これらのリソースはプロジェクトの実現に役立ちます!

Việt Namにいませんか? 地域を変更する
Rigamajig を開始する

“There is so much inner dialogue that comes out while they’re working, so many ‘Ah ha’ moments,” reports Ms. Sampar. “I’ve had to learn to shut my mouth and let those conversations flow. It’s a safe place for them to struggle and overcome and figu...

Kelly Sampar


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    を完成させる。 30日間チャレンジ


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    シェア インパクト 概要と写真を掲載し、アンケートに回答する。


  • STEAM Educators, Science Teachers, Museum Educators
  • Children, Ages 3+

Rigamajig プロジェクトの基本


  • Familiarize Yourself with Rigamajig & Assess Community Needs and Resources
  • Apply for funding via ChangeX or fundraise in your community
  • Connect with Rigamajig and Share Your Community's Potential
  • Develop an Implementation Plan
  • Meet with us via Zoom to learn more about how to best use Rigamajig!


提案: Children can play with Rigamajig for hours on end. Rigamajig has no instructions or right and wrong answers. It’s designed to inspire creativity and hands-on play with no set outcomes. Children are free to build and make whatever they can imagine! See Project Plans + Printable Resources if you’d like some ideas and inspiration to help you get started.


開始方法に関する詳細情報および共有リソース Rigamajig

50 Rigamajig プロジェクトはすでに開始されています


ソーシャル イノベーターに会う

Welcome to Rigamajig! We are thrilled that you are contemplating bringing our products to your community. Rigamajig is not just a product but a transformative experience that fosters STEAM education and open-ended play possibilities for children of all ages.

At Rigamajig, we believe in the power of hands-on learning and creative exploration. By introducing Rigamajig to your community, you have the opportunity to unlock the potential of young minds and inspire the next generation of problem solvers, critical thinkers, and innovators.

Rigamajig offers a unique and versatile platform for children to design, build, and create their own structures using real materials. It encourages collaboration, imagination, and the development of essential skills needed for success in the 21st century. With Rigamajig, children can engage in hands-on STEAM activities, exploring concepts in engineering, design, physics, and more, while having fun and embracing their natural curiosity.

Together, let's create an environment where children can thrive, learn, and discover their full potential. We invite you to join the Rigamajig community and make a lasting impact on the lives of children by embracing the power of STEAM education and open-ended play.

Cas Holman


  • なぜ30日間チャレンジを行うのですか?



  • ファンドは何に使用できますか?



  • 利用可能なファンドがあるかどうかを知るためには、どうすればよいですか?



  • ChangeXとは何ですか?



    • コミュニティ:
    • あなたのコミュニティでインパクトのあるプロジェクトを開始するために必要な資金、リソース、サポートを得ることができます。
    • ソーシャルイノベーター:
    • 地域のチェンジメーカーとつながり、アイデアを拡大するためのファンドにアクセスし、世界中のより多くのコミュニティにインパクトを与えます。
    • ファンド提供者:最も関心のあるテーマや地域、測定可能なインパクト、世界規模でのファンドを提供します。




  • Traffic Safety

    Pre-school students need the knowledge and skills to communicate effectively, and connect the school with materials and technical advice to improve the knowledge and skills of students. community

  • Learning through Play Festival

    Learning Through Play Festival is an extracurricular activity held at elementary schools. Parents and students participate in fun, useful activities to learn about Learning through Play, the benefits of Learning through Play, and are guided by teachers to apply simple activities at home. with your children, contributing to their comprehensive development.

  • ROBOTACON FIRST® LEGO® League – Preschool Board

    FIRST® LEGO® League Applied Science Playground in Vietnam is part of the ROBOTACON robot tournament system organized by Viet Tinh Anh Joint Stock Company in collaboration with the Danish Embassy in Vietnam and supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology. Education and the Department of Education and Training of provinces and cities.
