
We seek to boost the adoption of solar energy as a tool to promote sustainable development, energy justice and reduce social inequality in Brazil


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Revolusolar "Read below, the 5 steps that will be necessary to transform your institution into a reference in social solar energy!" - Eduardo Avila, Executive Director of Revolusolar

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Initial Planning (workshops for project planning, search and selection of local technicians and planning validations) - 1 month and a half, average of 4-6 hours per weekExecution (technical hiring, receipt of equipment, training of local leaders, monitoring of the technical course, dissemination of the project, sending of a partial report, installation and approval of the photovoltaic system, inauguration of the project, monitoring) - 4 months, average of 4-8h weekly

Once the selection is announced and the first payment is made, we will have a series of project planning workshops held virtually. We provide document models to record this planning, as well as all the documentation that will be necessary to collect at this initial stage.

With the project's operational planning detailed and validated, it's time to formalize the hiring of suppliers who will work with us. They are mainly: educational institution that will provide the technical course, and the integrator (company specialized in solar energy installation).

To formalize the hiring of the technical course, it will first be necessary to search for and select the local technician who will be trained. Ideally, you should look for someone with established relationships in the territory, especially in the institution that will host the installation. It is important that this person has some experience with electrical-related work. Once this person has been selected, they must enroll in the educational institution chosen to take the course. This hiring of the school must also be formalized, through a contract (model provided by the school).

To hire the integrator, we will use the sizing and quotation made when the project was initially proposed. We will ask you to update these proposals and include some special elements in the project. We formalize this contract through a contract model provided by Revolusolar or the integrator. The next step will be to schedule the dates for delivering the equipment to the community, as well as installing the system.

Finally, operational planning must be aligned with Revolusolar, to choose the dates for Revolusolar's local visit and purchase of tickets.

The project's training can be divided into 2 axes: the training of leaders and the technical training of 1 local technician.

Leadership training will take place through a 2-month program with Revolusolar and partners. During this period, study materials will be provided, such as booklets, as well as video classes, and meetings for virtual workshops on social solar energy.

The technical training will be carried out by an educational institution in the region, previously contracted for this purpose. The local technician will undergo a 3 to 4 month training program on topics ranging from introduction to electricity, solar photovoltaic installation and professional certifications necessary to work in the field.

After hiring the integrator (a local company specializing in solar energy), we must monitor the delivery of the equipment (it is important to reserve a safe and spacious space to store it), and schedule the exact days on which the installation will take place (Following the forecast of rain and other local factors that may interact).

After installation, we must follow the process (together with the integrator) of approval (formalization of the connection) of the solar energy system on the energy concession company's electrical network. To do this, it will be necessary to follow the processes and protocols for connecting with the concessionaire.

In the middle of the project, as well as at the end, it will be necessary to write reports (partial and final) to account for the project. In them, we must list the activities carried out, the results achieved, as well as other information that will be requested.

One of the main pieces of information to monitor is the energy generation of the installed system. To do this, the Revolusolar team will provide a step-by-step guide on how to carry out this verification, both on a digital platform and directly on the equipment.

