Keep Sweden Tidy

Join the movement to pick litter and keep our communities clean.


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Keep Sweden Tidy

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Keep Sweden Tidy "Welcome to Keep Sweden Clean Day on ChangeX. We're excited to have you join our movement of people who do not litter. Here you'll find a basic guide for organising community cleanups. We'll be issuing new advice and supports ahead of World Cleanup Day in September so keep in touch with us and let us know you're doing. We're looking forward to supporting you! " - Pia Linghede. Keep Sweden Tidy Foundation

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Arranging one cleanup a month would take 4-5 hours a month depending on the size of your cleanup.

Build your team

Your cleanup efforts will be more fun and more impactful if you have some people to help out. You can do the cleanups together or individually but having others on board will be more motivating and you'll cover more ground and more rubbish! Do you have some friends, colleagues, neighbours, classmates in mind that share your passion for creating a cleaner environment? Get them on board and committed to helping you with your cleanup efforts!

Select a place to start & gather your materials

Find a place where you can start your cleanup - it might be a part of your town, a nearby forest or park, a stretch of coast by the sea, a beach, cliff or by a lake. Unfortunately, litter is everywhere. Once you've selected the location for your first cleanup, you can arrange a day and time to do your first litter pick. You may want to do this individually or as a team. Plan to allow a couple of hours for your first cleanup.

The next step is to gather the materials you'll need. You'll need bags and gloves for everyone participating.

Fill as many bags as you can!

Put on rubbish picking gloves and start picking. Remember not to disturb the birds.

Do not forget to follow the Swedish Public Health Agency's recommendations when you are outdoors.

Here are some tips on making you sure you don't disturb protected nature while picking litter.

Here is some further information on safe garbage collection if you are picking litter in a coastal area.

Take care of the rubbish & report back

Take care of your collected rubbish. Feel free to contact the municipality in advance and see if they can help.

Take note of how many bags of rubbish you collected and at the end of the Summer, after World Cleanup Day, you can report all of the bags you collected on the Keep Sweden Tidy website.

Share and repeat

Don't forget to take pictures of all the bags you have collected and share on your social channels to encourage more people to join! #KeepSwedenClean

You can then agree a regular time and place to host cleanups or you can prepare for World Cleanup Day on in September by doing some wider outreach in your community and getting as many people on board as possible.
