Bridie Mcandrew kopanetse Ballina a GIY sehlopha over 6 years fetileng
Stephanie Carrabine kopanetse Ballina a GIY sehlopha over 7 years fetileng
Una Slack kopanetse Ballina a GIY sehlopha over 7 years fetileng

ka Ballina

The garden volunteers meet for two to three hours twice a week, Friday from 11am to 2pm and on Tuesday from 7pm to 9 pm in summer and the last two hours of daylight during the other seasons.


Tlo le rona!
New volunteers always welcome. No experience necessary.

Liketsahalo tse tlang

Ha ho na liketsahalo tse tlang

Ke mang ea kenyellelitsoeng

Una  Slack
Una Slack

Sehlopha & Litho (3)

20 Participants
