Small Pocket Forest 動画を見る

Plant a Pocket Forest of 25sqm (5mx5m) in your garden, community or school (Leinster region only)

A Pocket Forest is a small area of densely planted native trees, shrubs and ground cover. Our aim is to bring a forest ecosystem to the heart of towns and cities. Pocket Forests co-create healthy biodiverse spaces in urban areas which can help alleviate several growing problems: flooding, drought, biodiversity loss and the wellbeing of deprived urban communities. Through learning-while-doing wo...


A Pocket Forest is a small area of densely planted native trees, shrubs and ground cover. Our aim is to bring a forest ecosystem to the h...


すでにSmall Pocket Forestをスタートさせているコミュニティに参加する


Việt Namではこのアイデアに対する資金提供はありませんが、これらのリソースはプロジェクトの実現に役立ちます!

Việt Namにいませんか? 地域を変更する
Start a Small Pocket Forest

"The Pocket Forest Initiative has brought so much joy to our whole school community and really opened all of our eyes to the importance of increasing the biodiversity in the area and just how easily this can be achieved in even the smallest plots ...

Small Pocket Forest
Sallie Ennis Teacher & Climate Ambassador


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    を完成させる。 30日間チャレンジ


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    シェア インパクト 概要と写真を掲載し、アンケートに回答する。


  • A school, community organisation, or non-profit who has access to at least 25sqm of land
  • A group who want to bring their community closer together
  • A group who want to see more green spaces in the city
  • A group who is invested in creating more biodiverse environments in urban areas
  • A group who wants to be part of the climate crisis solution

Small Pocket Forest プロジェクトの基本


  • Identifying your Pocket Forest site
  • Designing your Pocket Forest
  • Pocket Forests team leads a soil preparation workshop
  • Picture your Small Pocket Forest
  • Pocket Forests team leads a planting workshop


提案: A Pocket Forest is created through a series of half a day to full day workshops. First, a site visit is conducted. Secondly, two soil preparation days are scheduled. Thirdly, a planting workshop is led. Lastly, a How to Care for Your Forest workshop is run.


開始方法に関する詳細情報および共有リソース Small Pocket Forest

88 Small Pocket Forest プロジェクトはすでに開始されています


ソーシャル イノベーターに会う

Welcome to Pocket Forests! We want to help your school or community create a native pocket packed full of biodiversity on your doorstep. Find out more about how it works.

Ashe Conrad-Jones and Catherine Cleary, co-founders of Pocket Forests


  • なぜ30日間チャレンジを行うのですか?



  • ファンドは何に使用できますか?



  • 利用可能なファンドがあるかどうかを知るためには、どうすればよいですか?



  • ChangeXとは何ですか?



    • コミュニティ:
    • あなたのコミュニティでインパクトのあるプロジェクトを開始するために必要な資金、リソース、サポートを得ることができます。
    • ソーシャルイノベーター:
    • 地域のチェンジメーカーとつながり、アイデアを拡大するためのファンドにアクセスし、世界中のより多くのコミュニティにインパクトを与えます。
    • ファンド提供者:最も関心のあるテーマや地域、測定可能なインパクト、世界規模でのファンドを提供します。




  • ROBOTACON FIRST® LEGO® League – Preschool Board

    FIRST® LEGO® League Applied Science Playground in Vietnam is part of the ROBOTACON robot tournament system organized by Viet Tinh Anh Joint Stock Company in collaboration with the Danish Embassy in Vietnam and supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology. Education and the Department of Education and Training of provinces and cities.

  • ROBOTACON FIRST® LEGO® League – High School Table

    FIRST® LEGO® League Applied Science Playground in Vietnam is part of the ROBOTACON robot tournament system organized by Viet Tinh Anh Joint Stock Company in collaboration with the Danish Embassy in Vietnam and supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology. Education and the Department of Education and Training of provinces and cities.
