ROBOTACON FIRST® LEGO® League – High School Table Buka Ividiyo

FIRST® LEGO® League Applied Science Playground in Vietnam is part of the ROBOTACON robot tournament system organized by Viet Tinh Anh Joint Stock Company in collaboration with the Danish Embassy in Vietnam and supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology. Education and the Department of Education and Training of provinces and cities.

ROBOTACON FIRST LEGO® League High School Table is a STEM playground for students between the ages of 9 - 16 years old, helping students engage in research, problem solving, programming and engineering – building and programming a LEGO robot to take on missions during the season.

Not only that, the best candidates at the Applied Science Competition also have the opportunity to participate in...

Funda kabanzi

ROBOTACON FIRST LEGO® League High School Table is a STEM playground for students between the ages of 9 - 16 years old, helping students e...

Funda kabanzi
Uxhaso luyatholakala
126,137,444 ₫ ngephrojekthi entsha

Njengengxenye ye

Hhayi eViệt Nam ?
Shintsha isifunda sakho

Ukuze uthole uxhaso

  • Qedela Inselele yezinsuku ezingama 30
  • Bika umthelela wephrojekthi yakho
Qala i ROBOTAC...
126,137,444 ₫ ngephrojekthi entsha
Qala iphrojekthi

“Thank you very much to the Organizing Committee for creating a very meaningful playground so that all students in all parts of the country can participate and be connected to each other and exchange with each other at the ROBOTACON STEM robot co...

Funda kabanzi
ROBOTACON FIRST® LEGO® League – High School Table
Sharing from Coach: Ms. Nguyen Thi Nguyet Anh - Coach of STEM PLUS Robotics Center
Kien Giang

Ungaqala kanjani iphrojekthi ku-ChangeX

  • 1

    Dala ikhasi lakho lephrojekthi

    Chofoza inkinobho yokuqala eluhlaza ukuze ubhalise futhi usethe ikhasi lakho lephrojekthi. Kuyashesha, kumahhala futhi kulula.

  • 2

    Qedela i Inselele Yezinsuku ezingama-30

    Qedela izinyathelo ezilula ezinsukwini ezingu-30 ukuze uqale iphrojekthi yakho futhi ufinyelele uxhaso.

  • 3

    Yenza iphrojekthi yakho isebenze

    Landela umhlahlandlela wezinyathelo ezi-5 kanye nohlelo lwakho lokusebenza ukuze wenze iphrojekthi iphile.

  • 4

    Yabelana ngomthelela

    Yabelana nge impact isifinyezo sokufinyelela uxhaso olusele futhi uqhubeke nephrojekthi yakho.

Kuhle ku

  • Students from 9-16 years old have a passion for exploring science and technology, love project learning, teamwork and problem solving.
  • Schools and educational institutions want to implement a STEM teaching program and want to find funding, or want to find a partner to implement the STEM program.

ROBOTACON FIRST® LEGO® League – High School Table ezibalulekile zephrojekthi

Umhlahlandlela wesinyathelo ezi 5

  • Learn about the ROBOTACON FIRST® LEGO® League playground
  • Choose an exam table appropriate to the age of the students
  • Register to join the ROBOTACON FIRST® LEGO® League playground in Vietnam
  • Work together!
  • ROBOTACON FIRST® LEGO® League High School Board Day!


Okuphakanyisiwe: Suggestion: Make time to participate, 12 sessions or one to two hours a week.


Ulwazi olwengeziwe mayelana nokuthi ungaqala kanjani nanoma yiziphi izinsiza ezabiwe yi- ROBOTACON FIRST® LEGO® League – High School Table

1088 ROBOTACON FIRST® LEGO® League – High School Table amaphrojekthi aseqalisiwe

Bona lapho

Hlangana ne-Social Innovator

“Through using LEGO Education tools at school, we see that the toolkit has helped make lessons more lively, students actively participate in research and acquire knowledge when working together in groups.”

Sharing by Mr. Hoang Dang Quang - Head of Informatics Group, Hong Bang Secondary School, Ho Chi Minh City

1088 ROBOTACON FIRST® LEGO® League – High School Table amaphrojekthi aseqalisiwe

Bona lapho


Imibuzo Ejwayelekile Ukubuzwa

  • Kungani kunenselelo yezinsuku ezingama-30?

    Inselele Yezinsuku Ezingu-30 yathuthukiswa Ithimba lethu ngokusekelwe kokuhlangenwe nakho kwethu ukusebenza nemiphakathi. Sifunde ukuthi amasonto okuqala abalulekile ukwakha umfutho futhi siqale kahle nganoma iyiphi iphrojekthi yomphakathi. Amaqembu aqeda lezi zinyathelo phakathi nenyanga yokuqala maningi amathuba okuthi aqedele iphrojekthi yawo ngempumelelo!

    Inselele iwuchungechunge lwezinyathelo ezilula umfakisicelo ngamunye okufanele azigcwalise ukuze asuse iphrojekthi yakhe futhi avule uxhaso. , uma kukhona uxhaso olutholakalayo njengamanje lwalowo mbono endaweni yangakini. Izinyathelo zihlanganisa ukubuka ividiyo kanye/noma ukufunda okuqukethwe, ukuba nocingo nelungu leqembu le-ChangeX, ukwakha iqembu ukuze uthole ukwesekwa, ukuba nomhlangano wakho wokuqala weqembu, ukwabelana ngesithombe seqembu, nokwabelana ngohlelo lokusebenza lwephrojekthi.

  • Uxhaso lungasetshenziselwa ini?

    Uma uxhaso selutholakele lungasetshenziswa ukumboza izindleko zokusetha eziqondile zephrojekthi entsha yomphakathi. Isibonelo sokuqashisa indawo, izimali zomshwalense, imbewu nezinto zokutshala, amathuluzi, izimali zokuqeqesha; cishe noma yiziphi izinto ongase uzidinge kuphrojekthi ezuzisa umphakathi wakini.

    Izimali azikwazi ukusetshenziselwa izindleko zomsebenzi osewenziwe kakade, izindleko ezingahlobene nokusetha nokugcinwa kwephrojekthi entsha, izinkokhelo kumalungu eqembu ngomsebenzi wawo kuphrojekthi. Izimali azikwazi ukusetshenziselwa ukuphromotha izizathu zenkolo, imisebenzi engasizi, uxhaso noma imicimbi yokuqongelela imali. Sicela ufunde imigomo nemibandela ukuze uthole imininingwane eyengeziwe.

  • Ngazi kanjani ukuthi kukhona uxhaso olutholakalayo?
    Emakhasini emibono, uma kukhona uxhaso olutholakalayo lombono endaweni yangakini uzobona “Uxhaso luyatholakala” kanye nesifunda esohlwini ibhokisi eli-turquoise. Uma ungena ngemvume okokuqala futhi uzobona isibhengezo esiluhlaza phezulu esikrinini esithi “izimali ezibukhoma eduze kwakho” uma kukhona uxhaso olutholakala endaweni yangakini. Ikhasi eliyisiqalo le-ChangeX lizoba nalezo zimali ezibukhoma eziseduze nawe.

    Inothi ohlwini lokulinda: lapho lonke uxhaso lwabelwe abafake izicelo, abafake izicelo abasha bazongena ohlwini lokulinda. Uma abanye abafake izicelo abasesikhwameni bengayiqedi ngempumelelo Inselelo Yezinsuku Eziwu-30 uxhaso lwabo luzokhishwa bese lunikezwa labo abasohlwini lokulinda. Ukuze ubone ukuthi uyangena yini ohlwini lokulinda hlola ikhasi lesikhwama esikhulu, imibono eyabelwe ngokugcwele izoba nenothi elithi “Joyina uhlu lokulinda” esikhundleni sokuthi “Faka isicelo ukuze uqale”.

  • Yini i-ChangeX?

    I-ChangeX iyinkundla exhumanisa imiphakathi emibonweni efakazelwe kanye noxhaso.

    Ngokunika abashintshi bendawo amandla ngemibono efakazelwe evela kubasunguli bezenhlalo kanye noxhaso olufinyelelekayo oluvela kozakwethu, sihlose ukwakha impilo enempilo, ebandakanya wonke umuntu futhi esimeme. imiphakathi. Umsebenzi wethu uhambisana Nezinjongo Zokuthuthukiswa Okusimeme ze-UN futhi ngokubambisana nozakwethu, sihlose ukuba nomthelela kubantu abayizigidi eziyizinkulungwane ezingu-1 emhlabeni wonke ngo-2030.

    • Imiphakathi: Thola uxhaso, izinsiza nosekelo oludingayo ukuze uqale amaphrojekthi anomthelela emphakathini wakho.
    • Abasunguli bezenhlalo: Xhumana nabashintshi bendawo, finyelela uxhaso ukuze ukhulise umbono wakho, futhi ube nomthelela emiphakathini eminingi emhlabeni jikelele. li>
    • Abaxhasi: Baxhase ngezimali amatimu nezifunda abazikhathalela kakhulu, okunomthelela olinganisekayo, nangomhlaba wonke.

    Sikholelwa ukuthi ngokuletha i amasu angcono kakhulu omphakathi kanye nabashintshi bomhlaba ngokuhlanganyela emphakathini owabiwe, singasheshisa ukusabalala kwezinto ezintsha emhlabeni wonke futhi sibe nomthelela omkhulu. Ngokubambisana sihlose ukukhulula amandla abashintshi ngokunika amandla ukubambisana, ngokwabelana ngolwazi nezisetshenziswa, ngokuxhuma abashintshi kuzo zonke izigaba ezihlukahlukene kanye nokuqanjwa kabusha nangokuvula ukufinyelela emasuni omphakathi afakazelwe afakazelwe angcono kakhulu kuwo wonke umuntu.


Eminye imibono

  • ROBOTACON FIRST® LEGO® League – Preschool Board

    FIRST® LEGO® League Applied Science Playground in Vietnam is part of the ROBOTACON robot tournament system organized by Viet Tinh Anh Joint Stock Company in collaboration with the Danish Embassy in Vietnam and supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology. Education and the Department of Education and Training of provinces and cities.

  • Traffic Safety

    Pre-school students need the knowledge and skills to communicate effectively, and connect the school with materials and technical advice to improve the knowledge and skills of students. community

  • ROBOTACON FIRST® LEGO® League –Elementary Board

    FIRST® LEGO® League Applied Science Playground in Vietnam is part of the ROBOTACON robot tournament system organized by Viet Tinh Anh Joint Stock Company in collaboration with the Danish Embassy in Vietnam and supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology. Education and the Department of Education and Training of provinces and cities.
