Tiny Forest in Germany Watch video

Small urban forests to green our cities and connect communities with nature

A Tiny Forest is a dense, fast-growing native woodland, around the size of a tennis court (approx. 200m2). These forests are not only great homes for butterflies, birds, bees and other wildlife but also a place for people to connect with, and learn about, nature. Each forest is a unique public asset – planted and cared for by the local community.

Environmental issues such as flooding, increa...

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A Tiny Forest is a dense, fast-growing native woodland, around the size of a tennis court (approx. 200m2). These forests are not only gre...

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Join the communities already benefitting from starting a Tiny Forest in Germany

You'll get guides and resources on how to bring this idea to life.

There is no funding available for this idea in Việt Nam, but these resources will still help to make your project happen!

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"Thank you for creating such a detailed project with activities suitable for all ages and abilities to engage with. The tree planting day was very well organised and educational. The science days and training sessions engaged everyone and provided...

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Tiny Forest in Germany
Karen Dunstan
William Torbitt Primary School Tiny Forest

How to start a project on ChangeX

  • 1

    Create your project page

    Click the green start button to register and set up your project page. It’s quick, free and easy.

  • 2

    Complete a 30 Day Challenge

    Complete simple steps in 30 days to get your project off the ground.

  • 3

    Activate your project

    Follow the 5 Step Guide and your action plan to bring the project to life.

  • 4

    Share impact

    Share impact by posting a summary and photos and completing a survey.

Great for

  • A non-profit organisation, school, or community organisation who has permission to plant trees on at least 150m2 of land
  • A group who wants to bring people together in their community
  • A group who wants to see more green space in their city
  • A group who wants to take positive action for the environment
  • A group who wants to take part in scientific research

Tiny Forest in Germany project essentials

5 Step Guide

  • Identify a suitable site and seek permission from the landowner
  • Identify suppliers including a tree nursery and landscaper
  • Carry out site preparation and forest design
  • Plant the forest
  • Care for the forest


Suggested: Earthwatch will deliver 1.5 days of online training. There are then a number of steps to go through to create a Tiny Forest, typically over a 10-week period in the lead up to planting. This includes site assessment and soil surveying, tree species selection, forest design, community consultation, soil preparation and then planting (between October-March). After planting activities will be run to engage the community in maintaining and monitoring the forest.


More information on how to get started and any resources shared by the Tiny Forest in Germany

1 Tiny Forest in Germany projects have already been started

See where

Meet the Social Innovator

Welcome to Tiny Forest on ChangeX! We are excited to support a non-profit organisation, school or community in Germany to create their very own Tiny Forest! Find out here how you can bring more quality nature to your doorstep and take part in this innovative project.

Louise Hartley

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why a 30 day challenge?

    The 30 Day Challenge was developed by our Team based on our experience working with communities. We’ve learned that the first weeks are critical to build momentum and get off to a good start with any community project. Teams who complete these steps within the first month are much more likely to successfully complete their project!

    The Challenge is a series of simple steps that each applicant has to complete to get their project off the ground and unlock funding, if there is funding currently available for that idea in your region. Steps include watching a video and/or reading content, having a call with a ChangeX team member, forming a team so that you have support, having your first team meeting, sharing a team photo, and sharing a project action plan.

  • What can funding be used for?

    Once funding is received it can be used to cover direct set-up costs of the new community project. For example space rental, insurance fees, seeds and planting materials, tools, training fees; pretty much any materials you might need for a project that benefits your community.

    Funds cannot be used for the costs of work that has already been carried out, costs unrelated to the setup and maintenance of the new project, payments to group members for their work on the project. Funds can’t be used for the promotion of religious causes, non-charitable activities, sponsorship or fundraising events. Please read the terms and conditions for further details.

  • How do I know if there is funding available?

    On idea pages, if there is funding available for the idea in your region you will see “Funding available” and the region listed in the turquoise box. When you first login you will also see a green banner at the top of the screen saying “live funds near you” if there is funding available in your region. The ChangeX homepage will feature those live funds near you.

    A note on the waitlist: when all the funding has been allocated to applicants, new applicants will go on a waitlist. If some applicants that are in the fund don’t successfully complete the 30 Day Challenge their funding will be released and can be then allocated to those on the waitlist. To see if you are going on a waitlist check the main fund page, ideas fully allocated will have the note “Join the waitlist” instead of “Apply to start”.

  • What is ChangeX?

    ChangeX is a platform that connects communities to proven ideas and funding.

    By empowering local changemakers with proven ideas from social innovators and accessible funding from our partners, we aim to build healthier, more inclusive and sustainable communities. Our work is aligned to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and together with our partners, we aim to impact 1 billion people globally by 2030.

    • Communities: Get the funding, resources and support you need to start impactful projects in your community.
    • Social innovators: Connect with local changemakers, access funding to scale your idea, and impact more communities globally.
    • Funders: Fund the themes and regions they care most about, with measurable impact, and at global scale.

    We believe that by bringing the best social innovations and the world’s changemakers together in a shared community, we can accelerate the spread of innovations across the world and have a bigger impact. Together we aim to unleash the potential of changemakers by enabling collaboration, by sharing knowledge and resources, by connecting changemakers across different disciplines and innovations and by opening up access to the world’s best proven social innovations to everyone.

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