
Fondo Comunitario para el Juego en México

MEX$2,180,000 | Mexico
Introduci idee collaudate nella tua comunità

Idee di successo e finanziamenti per la tua comunità

Play is critical for children’s well-being and skills development and we can all play a role in building more playful communities. Supported by the LEGO Foundation, this fund is dedicated to helping you create more playful experiences for children in your community, school or neighborhood in the Mexico.

Come funziona
  • Apply below and register to get your project page
  • Use your project page to complete the 30 Day Challenge
  • Submit a photo and your action plan
  • Once you're active let us know what impact you are having in your community
Puoi fare domanda se
  • You want to start a ChangeX idea to improve your local community
  • You're passionate about providing learning through play opportunities for children in your community
  • You are an individual, an existing local group or a community organization
  • You live in Mexico
Cosa ricevi
  • Seed funding to start your selected idea
  • Free starter resource pack, mentorship and technology tools to get started
  • Additional impact funding, once you report back on the social impact of your active project

Esplora le idee

Scegli un'idea da avviare nella tua comunità. Vedi Termini e Condizioni.
Le domande per questo finanziamento sono chiuse. Puoi comunque avviare idee senza finanziamenti o verificare la presenza di altri finanziamenti attivi nella tua zona.
  • aeioTU Network

    Hub for Early Childhood ecosystem actors to interact and learn.

  • FIRST LEGO League - Scoprire

    Conduci un programma pratico STEM (Scienza, Tecnologia, Ingegneria e Matematica) nella tua scuola o comunità per bambini da 4 a 6 anni.

  • Initiatives for Sharing

    With Initiatives for Sharing, children and teenagers learn project management tools to launch their own community development initiatives, ultimately empowering them as agents of change.

  • Music to be, grow and feel

    Musical initiation program through play to cultivate emotional intelligence using the body and voice as an instrument.

  • Living Maps

    Living Maps aims to cultivate a direct dialogue between people and the world through emotions and perception.

  • Playground Ideas

    Build a playground wherever you are, using local tools, materials, and skills

  • Diffondi gioia con i libri

    Distribuisci i bellissimi libri Book Dash ai bambini della tua comunità per portare loro gioia, supportare il loro benessere e la loro felicità e sviluppare il loro futuro: devi solo inviare i file dei nostri libri a una copisteria o a una tipografia e loro faranno il resto!

  • Gincana da Jornada X

    The power of play stimulates the spirit of collaboration, creativity, social responsibility and citizenship of children and young people in their schools and communities

  • FIC - Festival of Invention and Creativity

    Inventing and learning through hands-on practice

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