Playing with Trust

Playing With Trust is a very unique board game/digital game that encourages the playful use of public spaces


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Playing with Trust


Playing with Trust "Welcome to Playing with Trust, a fun game to discover more about your surroundings and safely connect with others in your neighborhood! We want to connect people with where they live and by doing so, create more empathetic, playful, cohesive and democratic cities. Bringing people together while maintaining all safety measures in the COVID-19 pandemic is also important so we've been sure to factor that in. Learn more about how to Play with Trust in your community!" - The City Needs You Institute

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Between 2 & 4 weeks for a group to install the game's infrastructure (includes planning, mobilizing & implementing the game ) A weekly commitment of 4 to 8 hours will ensure people in your community can play 24/7!

Read the Guide

We've created a really helpful Implementation Guide that details the different ways in which you can play the game, the rules, the boards, what to plan for and how to go with whatever presents - do take the time to have a look before and during the next few steps.

And created this great video that will walk you and your team through how best to set up your game.

People and Places

Gather a group of enthusiastic people to help construct the play board and get the materials (tape, chalk, paint etc.)

Of course you’ll want to invite your friends to set up and play but also have a think about the community in which you plan on holding the game and how you might engage them in the process. Playing with Trust is all about connection so connect! Put the word out to find local artists and creative humans who can bring the area’s personality to the game - and play some tunes whilst you’re at it! This is playtime so have fun!

Groups love to play around with different layouts of the boards as you create the game infrastructure and then invite adults and kids from the area to approve or add their creativity to the final version. Be open and ready to play with people you never met before, and find out that you may have a lot more in common with them than you may think ;)

Find a great public space to set up the Game!

Playing with Trust can be played anywhere there’s an accessible open space - think the size of two car parking spaces joined together as a minimum but the more space you have the bigger the game, the greater the fun, the more possibilities. Be considerate of other space users and make sure to use temporary materials to mark out the boards unless you have permission from the local landowner to create a more permanent fixture.

Download the instructions

Check out the different games and designs we have created and choose the one that best suits the space in which you will play and of course the players. Our instructions will show you how to use a series of modular shapes to create your boards with the option to freely create and design new games with your friends (old and new!). The possibilities are endless. Instructions and rules for the three games we have designed are available here. And you can always watch our Demo Video here

Download the App

If you want to go hightech and have an amazing interactive Augmented Reality (AR) experience, use a smartphone or tablet to download the Playing with Trust App from Google Play here. From the App you can easily download the AR markers and print them A4 size in colour or black and white.

Currently available in Portugues we're working on the English version and will have it ready to share with ou very soon so watch this space. The great thing is that you can still play the game without the App as the guide, board designs, rules etc. are all avaialble here and the App when it's ready will bring a whole other experience!

Set a time and date and spread the word!

It’s always good to have a plan to let people know there’s some fun to be had. Get the word out and feel free to use photos and videos of the game you and your crew have created to share details on social media etc. Why not use the printer to create some posters to put up around the community to let people know there’s a new play space in town. We’re inviting people to play so why not make our communication playful too!

Use the notice board in the park or public space to invite people to your event and let them know it’s also there to enjoy 24/7 as a place to meet, greet and hang out.

And remember to share your game with us - we love to add new versions, rules and stories to the App - have fun creating the next version of Playing with Trust!
