Bring people together in your neighborhood to plant trees for the benefit of your community and the environment.
Why it Matters
Climate change and its causes create many problems for communities, including increased temperatures and urban heat island effect, increased air pollution, increased storm intensity, and water scarcity. Especially in the desert of Arizona, the urban heat island effect is a significant health risk. At night, the natural desert drops below 90 degrees Fahrenheit, even in the summer. However, our urban environment no longer does so for longer and longer each year. This drop in temperature is crucial for the health of the human body. As temperatures increase, the need for additional energy to cool indoor spaces also increases. Vulnerable populations are highly affected by both of these temperature challenges.
The Background
Arizona Sustainability Alliance is a non-profit action and advocacy alliance who aims to create and support cutting-edge, project-based sustainability solutions in Arizona through civic engagement, collaboration and education. We empower Arizona citizens to work together toward more verdant, equitable and sustainable communities. Urban Forestry is one of our key priorities and we work with local communities to help them plan a community tree planting in a way that is most beneficial for that local area, working with the City and any other relevant local partners.
Here you'll find the information you need to organize a tree planting in your local neighborhood. The Arizona Sustainability Alliance can help you to select appropriate trees, organize your tree planting day and advise you on the ongoing maintenance of your trees. You can apply for funding to cover the cost of your trees, tools and your tree planting day - available funding is $4,000 - which will cover approximately 25 trees.