Here are some pictures from the Sonnenpark Fest of last Saturday!
Our new self-guided walk in the park was ready to be presented and the visitors had the occasion to experience it in both an online and offline version!
Read the article of our two new Russian European Solidarity Corps volunteers and get to know about environmentalism in Russia!
Die kalten Ostertage haben dem Kernobst richtig zugesetzt. In der Wachau sind dem vernehmen nach 80% der Marillen abgestorben.
Aber in St. Pöltn blüht jetzt - nur für kurze Zeit - der größte Kirschbaum - die Kirsche des Wissens - neben der Fachhochschule. Ein Spektakel, das man sich nicht entgehen lassen sollte.
Daneben ist eine bereits abgeblühte Kirschpflaume zu sehen, die die den Blütenfrühling bei den kirschartigen Bäumen jedes Jahr einläutet.
Wir haben die wichtigsten kirschenartigen Blüten für euch gesammelt - an Blütengröße, Farbe und Blütezeit kann man sie gut voneinander unterscheiden.
hi, there, its them to do some reporting. since we have submitted this grant application, we were able to continue our cooperation with a local primary school and take more than 100 children into nature. we showed them ancient trees in a playful manner through guided walks and treasure hunt formats.
the kids had fun and were able to spend a good time outdoors. that counts most. but we also get news from the school principal that the school has adopted environmental education as a new focus - due to our collaboration.
this effectively means that more teacher will work with us and we have been invited to create a short outdoor activity on the school premises. we will do an inventory of the school garden on Apr 18th and take it from there.
Weekly updates are to be found in our facebook group:
Yesterday we went for a BFG walk in the Viehofen and Ratzerdorf lakes!
We noticed some Acer saccharinum blossoms and logged our n.o 300 BFG: a beautiful white poplar!
We are exploring the city every week - join us and learn about the fascinating nature of St. Pölten!