Welcome to the PlantPure Communities Pod Network! We want to inspire you to eat more plant-based food for your own health and for planetary sustainability. Everyone is welcome to join - whether you are completely new or already and expert in plant-based diets. Running a local group (what we refer to as a Pod) can be a rewarding way to share your passion for a whole food, plant-based lifestyle with your community and the PlantPure Communities team will support you along the way. Let’s work together to achieve improved health for ourselves, our family and friends, and our communities.
Spread the word for our:
Sharing Parties Contacting... Vitality:
- Community Day (cook, circle, co-create, move; ecstatic dance...)
- Family/Market Day (giving networks present offers, dancing impulses...)
Welcome to the PlantPure Communities Pod Network! We want to inspire you to eat more plant-based food for your own health and for planetary sustainability. Everyone is welcome to join - whether you are completely new or already and expert in plant-based diets. Running a local group (what we refer to as a Pod) can be a rewarding way to share your passion for a whole food, plant-based lifestyle with your community and the PlantPure Communities team will support you along the way. Let’s work together to achieve improved health for ourselves, our family and friends, and our communities.
Spread the word for our:
Sharing Parties Contacting... Vitality:
- Community Day (cook, circle, co-create, move; ecstatic dance...)
- Family/Market Day (giving networks present offers, dancing impulses...)
Welcome to join again the open space from 4-6pm on next Sunday 6/11... Prepare a beautiful space, exchange, enjoy cacao - and fill with pure love...
Nachmittags vor Ecstatic Dances (schau immer - https://vitalitybase.at/events) können wir uns wieder beim Kochen und im Sharing Circle austauschen, singen, musizieren...
Weiterhin alle 2 Wochen (14., 28.5.) veganes Kochen, Netzwerken, Kakao, und bewusstes Musizieren/Tanzen...
Welcome to join again the open space from 4-6pm, next Sunday on 6/11: Prepare a beautiful space, exchange, enjoy cacao - and fill with pure love...
As on the news pages with fotos and events - next on 19th of February - we were able to meet with a rich supply of delicious healthy, fresh veggies to share with our social vegan health group and providing for all...
The past meetings always with more of our delicious fresh veggies, potlucks and good spirits...
Looking forward to our sharing and cooking getting always more healthy and refined... till the sounds around in the evening enchant the community...
Join us on February, 19th again, and again, every 2 weeks!!
Unser Teamfoto
Meet and eat, with moving feet...
Danke für deine Fotos, Food Sharings, gesunden Produkte/Bewegungsimpulse, Fragen und Ideen!
Öffnen wir einen familiären Rahmen für unterschiedliche gesunde Themen (auch mal als Sprachen-Cafe mit Austausch auf deutsch und englisch (francais, italiano, spagnolo)... mit interkulturellen Fragen, Köstlichkeiten, oder Musikbeiträgen...!
Action plan:
The most perfect location of synergy style events with associated open mind people, disposing of large rooms and facilities as a kitchen will be at www.vitalitybase.at in Leberstr. 118a, 1110 Vienna (well reachable from Vienna or surroundings by car and public transport as S7, U3...)
Sharing Parties contacting... Kitchen - health - movement 💚 Wieder Körper-Geist-Seele Kontakt am 18.12. ab 14h zum Family Sunday - Kinder auch willkommen - mit Ecstatic Dance, und an kreativen 3. Montagen/Monat im Zuge vielseitiger Projektmöglichkeiten in www.vitalitybase.at! Leberstr. 118a, 1110 Wien (oberhalb vom Automechaniker) In Synergie mit: 🌸 F A M I L Y 🌟 S U N D A Y 🌸 Liebe Freunde, Familie und Community liebende, wir laden euch herzlich zu gemütlichem, gemeinsamen Sein in die Vitality Base Wien ein. Am Sonntag, dem 18.12.22 Unser Programm gliedert sich in drei Bereiche: 🌟 12:00 - 15:00 Brunch Nehmt bitte diesmal Essen mit und wir teilen unter einander 🌟 15:00 - 18:00 Community Day Gemütliches beisammensein und Austausch zu aktuellen Projekten 🌟 18:00 - 22:00 Ecstatic Dance Freitanzformat mit Female Power Wir widmen diesen Tag dem Zusammensein in Leichtigkeit und dem Austausch. Es geht in erster Linie ums gemütliche Zusammenkommen und das transparent machen der aktuellen Entwicklungen der Vitality Base. Wir freuen uns über eine freiwillige Spende. Wenn ihr zum Dance bleiben wollt, spendet bitte vorm Start des Dances. For us, for each other, for the Family! Lots of love
Copy to elaborate on...
Action plan:
When will you be able to start your project? On our Community Day & Food Sharing Sunday we want o launch on December 18th the member's ideas for the new year with January, probably on Mondays - as after the holidays on 23rd and/or depending on local events mainly around Friday to Sunday...
How often will your team meet? Flexibly synchronized with the host space and likewise activities... at least once/month
Are there any key dates to share for the project? 23 of January 2023 might be agreed on as the first realistic date...
You don't need to share exact prices, but please share how you're planning to spend the seed funding & what costs you're anticipating to get your project up and running: Supposing common costs of basics for some food, cooking, material costs as also heating/gas/electricity and place rental as a package to negotiate according to numbers of events, members... - maybe at least some 100 Euro per evening
How will your community benefit from this project? Preparing, eating, helping for better growing with nature and in the group as healthy humans empowers the individual as well as the group spirit with knowledge, experience and a social network...
Do you have any measurable goals for your project such as the number of people that will participate? Reaching via many social media channels with the idea of a more vegan or aware life style can not be measured with the hundreds of postings intended regularly; with messages being seen and reminding people of being healthily connected with themselves and a community to join maybe sooner or later... But 10 to 30 members or participants each time is commonly already a big success with people so extremely busy and unfocused these times in our area... Growing needs patience and perseverance...
Are you hoping to spread knowledge or increase interest in a specific subject? All around nature and human body-mind-soul can be touched via meeting our basic needs: like sharing food, healthy social times, helping hands/ideas and good spirits of people gathering physically with an open mouth & heart ;) (The current Covid19 or alike recommendations are communicated and respected in our association/host place, being chosen especially for its large spaces, where hygienic measures and distance are possible even for times, where no precautions or masks are officially prescribed. In a context of vegetables and eating all necessary washing and healthy handling are of course inherent matter of attention)
If your project requires physical space, have you decided the location?Do you have all necessary permission and permits to carry out your project at the chosen location?
The most perfect location of synergy style events with associated open mind people, disposing of large rooms and facilities as a kitchen will be at www.vitalitybase.at in Leberstr. 118a, 1110 Vienna (well reachable from Vienna or surroundings by car and public transport as S7, U3...)
7 Participants