Thời gian
Tháng ba 26 tại 01:30CHIỀU - 04:30CHIỀU
hơn 1 năm trước
Địa điểm
Mudisland Community Garden, Clinch's Court, Dublin 3
Chi tiết
The Mudisland Repair Café is a free monthly gathering where people come together to repair things together 💚. We’ll provide tools and materials to help you make any repairs you need on clothes, small furniture, bicycles, crockery, buggies, toys (⚠️nothing with a plug!). You'll meet volunteers, with HOPEFULLY repair skills in what you need! Bring your broken item in the Repair Café and start making your repairs with the specialists. It’s an ongoing learning process!
Repair Cafés help people in the community whose skills may not always be valued to get involved again. It helps neighbours from different backgrounds connect with each other and allows valuable practical knowledge to be shared. Repairing things at a Repair Café means things are being used for longer and don’t have to be thrown away. This reduces the volume of raw materials and energy needed to make new products.
The garden will be set up in several ‘islands’ (we have marquees and tables and a lovely cottage):
1. Bike and Buggies
2. Clothes / Fabric / Jewellery
3. Garden tools & Crockery