Pop-up play spaces provide the joy of unstructured play to the children of NYC.
"The pop up was great! The team was amazing! I was amazed at what the playworkers had created with the cardboard and how much fun the kids were having crawling through the cardboard tunnels. The whole area was turned into this colorful cardboard f...
提案: Running the Pop Up event is a 10-hour commitment and you'll need to commit a couple of hours in advance to source the materials, let people know it's happening and sort the necessary permits and insurances.
開始方法に関する詳細情報および共有リソース Pop-Up Play Spaces NYC
Welcome! Thank you for joining us in bringing the joy of unstructured play to the children of NYC and beyond! The toolkit we're looking forward to sharing with you is a collaboration between two organisations: play:groundNYC and Pop-Up Adventure Play. It provides you with the basics to run pop-up adventure playground for children in your neighbourhood and your experience will help us make it even better!