
Reno Community Challenge

US$64,000 · Reno and Sparks (Washoe County) & Storey and Lyon Counties

Imibono efakazelwe kanye noxhaso lomphakathi wakho

This $64,000 fund is dedicated to helping you build thriving and sustainable communities across Reno and Sparks (Washoe County) and surrounding rural counties including Storey and Lyon Counties.

Isebenza kanjani
  • Select an idea listed below or submit your existing project and register to get your project page
  • Use your project page to complete the 30 Day Challenge
  • Submit a photo and your action plan
  • Let us know what impact you are having in your community
Ubani ongafaka isicelo
  • You want to start a ChangeX idea to improve your local community
  • You're passionate about building a thriving community where you live in Reno
  • You are a legally registered nonprofit organization
  • Seed funding to start or expand a project
  • Free starter resource pack, mentorship and technology tools to get started
  • Additional impact funding, once you report back on the social impact of your active project

Hlola imibono eqinisekisiwe

Khetha umbono ozowuqala emphakathini wakho. Bona imigomo nemibandela.
Lesi sikhwama sivaliwe ukuze kufakwe izicelo. Usengaqala imibono ngaphandle koxhaso, noma uhlole ezinye izimali ezibukhoma endaweni yangakini.
  • CoderDojo

    Teach kids in your community to code in a fun and collaborative environment

  • Build An ARK

    Weaving a patchwork of safe havens for Nature globally, in our gardens, schools, public spaces and beyond.

  • Girls Who Code

    Start a Girls Who Code Club in your community and get girls excited about coding and computer science.

  • FIRST LEGO League - Challenge

    Lead a hands-on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) programme in your school or community for 9-14 year olds

  • FIRST LEGO League - Discover

    Lead a hands-on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) programme in your school or community for 4-6 year olds.

  • FIRST® LEGO League - Explore

    Lead a hands-on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) programme in your school or community for 6–10 year olds

  • Open Orchard

    Organise an Open Orchard to bring people together, provide free fruit to local residents and green our urban environments.

  • Izincwadi Zekusasa Eliqhakazile

    Thola izincwadi ezinhle ze Book Dash (nganoma yiluphi ulimi olusemthethweni lwaseNingizimu Afrika) ezinganeni emphakathini wakini ukuze zisekele impilo yazo nenjabulo futhi zakhe ikusasa lazo -- okumele ukwenze ukuthumela amafayela ezincwadi zethu esitolo sokukopisha noma ephrinta futhi zizokwenza. okunye!

58 abantu sebevele bajoyina

Qala okuthile namuhla

The Reno Community Challenge offers a chance for communities to unite in fostering vibrant and sustainable environments throughout Reno and Sparks (Washoe County) and Storey and Lyon Counties. We’re excited to support local action to see the collective impact we can have in building healthier, more sustainable communities

David Taylor
Community Relations Manager, Microsoft
