The GreenPlan

Empowering society to tackle climate change


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The GreenPlan


The GreenPlan "Welcome to The GreenPlan on ChangeX. We want to improve the quality of life and well being on Earth for present and future generations by helping your community take clear and impactful actions to tackle climate change. This guide is designed to provide you with an introduction and the basic framework you need to get started in your community. I'll be here to support you on the way so don't be afraid to get in touch!" - Neil McCabe, Founder of The GreenPlan

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Getting The GreenPlan up and running locally will require approximately 1 hour per week of the leader's time.

Download The GreenPlan Guide

After registering your Group on ChangeX download The GreenPlan Guide and learn about the 7 themes and 10 actions your community needs to take to reduce 1 tonne of carbon - that's the equivalent of planting 45 trees!

Our Team will also contact you explaining how to stay in touch and to update The GreenPlan each time you achieve one of your activities. 

The GreenPlan guide is your source of truth and a great reference for your group as you progress through the actions, measure your impact and celebrate your success. It contains Activity Score Sheets, Energy Catcher Sheets and a roadmap to becoming a Climate Positive Community.

Build your team

  • A big part of building momentum for the idea is to get more people on board and to build excitement about the idea.
  • Hold a kick-off meeting to find likeminded Team members from within your community and build The GreenPlan Team.
  • Tell the team about The GreenPlan Themes and Activities and how to use the Activity Scoresheet.
  • Identify other ChangeX supported campaigns and activities that will help you deliver results.
  • Liaise with existing community groups for help and support.
  • Gather the materials and equipment needed for the activities.

    All the details are in The GreenPlan Guide which you can find in the Resources section.

Plan your 10 Activities

From The GreenPlan Guide map out the 10 Activities that you want to start with - be realistically ambitious and know that starting is the most important thing - you and your team will build in more activities over time saving more CO2e and scoring points to move from Bronze to Silver to Gold.

Once you've set the date, time and location of each activity - remembering to give people as much notice as possible - the community gathers, togs out if necessary and takes on the 10 Activities one by one.

Remember a picture paints a thousand words and we love to see photos of your community in action so don't be shy and share what you can (with permission!) to show others what can be achieved when a community comes together.

Measure Impact

Your community scores their 10 Activities using relevant Activity Score Sheet - the community calculations are simple with 100 points = 1 x tonne of CO2e.

Your community records data from the actions completed which can include taking a photo of the litter collected, before and after shots of the beach/roadside/river clean, weight of batteries collected across households and businesses (the more the merrier!), data from energy monitors etc. The photos are shared on your ChangeX Group page to showcase your Groups achievements and inspire others to follow suit.

Get your certificate and scale

Once you group has completed all 10 actions scoring 100 points The GreenPlan you are required to send The GreenPlan a photograph of either yourself or your team doing each of their 10 actions. It can be as simple as a picture of a team member holding a bag of recycled batteries!

These pictures should be emailed to: [email protected] alongwith their name and ChangeX project page.

The GreenPlan team will review your impact and issue a Certificate to celebrate your community action and reduction of 1 tonne of CO2e.

The GreenPlan team will plant 10 Native Trees in recognition of your success.

Introduce The GreenPlan to the next neighbour / community / next town/ village.
