Better Social

Digital Skills for Social Inclusion: we are a non-profit that deals with innovation, work inclusion and digital skills and with this project we want to promote digital knowledge and skills


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Better Social

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Better Social "Welcome to our digital skills promotion and education program for vulnerable categories. Let's build it together." - Lorenzo Pieraccini

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The course usually lasts 20 hours but can be adapted according to the needs of the community that adopts the idea. An additional 10 hours are considered for project management in addition to the 20 hours of lessons and exercises which are the heart of the teaching and relational activity.

The course is a flexible proposal that wants to be developed based on the needs of the community that adopts the idea. The themes and approach vary depending on the objectives and beneficiaries of the course. Better Social consultants and trainers are available to communities to help them structure a course that is as suitable as possible based on the needs of the people who want to be involved.

The first thing to do is define the educational objectives to be achieved during the course. For this activity, Better Social makes its experts available to support the community that wants to adopt the idea.

The general objective to be pursued is to provide course participants with the digital skills necessary to improve their lives in training and work.

The course methodologies can be adapted based on the needs that emerge from the discussion between the community and the Better Social experts. For example, you can opt for frontal lessons, or for workshops, for group or solo work, to define a greater or lesser involvement of the participants based on the needs of the people with fragility who will be involved.

Once the framework of the course has been defined and specifically the beneficiaries and the general methods of delivery of the course, the themes of the individual lessons will be explored in depth, taking into account the educational objectives that will have emerged in the discussion with the community that wants to adopt the idea.

Better Social has extensive collaboration with teachers capable of managing many types of lessons on the topics of digital and inclusion and will be able to help the community find other teachers or integrate the course with teachers that the community already has.

The objective is to create a high-quality training proposal oriented according to the needs of the students involved

The preparatory activity for the course will be very important, in which Better Social experts will be able to help the community draw up the documents necessary for communicating the initiative, manage registrations and monitor the project.

During each lesson a Better Social expert will support the community in managing the lesson whether it is delivered by Better Social teachers or other teachers identified by the community.

The objective is to involve students as much as possible and provide the community with advanced digital tools for communicating and tracking class progress in order to ensure that at the end of the course the educational outcomes identified in step 1 will be achieved.

At the end of the course it will be very important to collect all the material produced (slides, videos, feedback, etc.) and produce one or more summary documents to be used as communication abroad to involve other people with fragility who can benefit from what has been done during the course and to activate other communities to undertake the same path.
