Create your project page
Click the green start button to register and set up your project page. It’s quick, free and easy.
Complete a 30 Day Challenge
Complete simple steps in 30 days to get your project off the ground.
Activate your project
Follow the 5 Step Guide and your action plan to bring the project to life.
Share impact
Share impact by posting a summary and photos and completing a survey.
Great for
Suggested: Allowing for 12 stops per trail we estimate you will need a few hours to create the quiz and crossword to accompany each stop, an hour or two to set up the trail and then some time to tell everyone about it. Keeping the trail information up to date with quiz questions and of course prizes will take an hour each week but you can ask team members to take turns and we suggest stocking up on prizes at the beginning so you always have some on hand!
More information on how to get started and any resources shared by the Activity Trails
Creating a space where people are encouraged to go outside of their dense living spaces, enjoy nature, be active and have activities for children is really important. We invite you to become Playful Explorers and hope our simple toolkit will help you to create a fun and inclusive opportunity for people in your community!