Sidewalk Talk

Listen with Us on Public Sidewalks to Boost Mental Health, Inclusion, and Compassion in Communities Everywhere


5 Step Guide to

Sidewalk Talk


Sidewalk Talk "It's the little things that make the big things possible. Your listening makes mental health possible." - Traci Ruble

5 Steps

Who? Someone who...

Resource Checklist


5 hours of initial set up. 3 to 6 hours per listening event. We recommend at least one event per month.

Complete all the steps to your ChangeX Challenge

Sidewalk Talk will send over a Chapter Leader Agreement that covers basic do's and don'ts that you will sign online.

Sidewalk Talk will send you a login to a Chapter Leader Portal  with step-by-step instructions for how to gather listeners and make signs, stickers, and/or t-shirts.

You are also welcome to connect with other listeners worldwide and leaders around the world in a listener Facebook group and a Leaders Facebook group.  Both groups are linked to in the your Chapter Leader Portal.   


Gather your listeners and get to know one another.

Make Signs.

Review and Practice the Skills Neede to Listen on the Sidewalk. You will have access to a "How to Listen on the Sidewalk Videos"  and printed guide.

*We offer two additional paid trainings.  One optional 8 module video training in English for a donation of $10 or more of your choosing and one that is LIVE called HEAR that is an 11 week live training wtih an advanced curriculum that included working with power, the nervous system, bias, boundaries, and values. These programs are how we fund Sidewalk Talk. 

The Chapter Leader Portal and your fellow chapter leaders can provide you with tips on picking a good spot and encouraging you as you head out to listen for your very first event.  
