
Creativity through Reuse


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ReCreate "Welcome to ReCreate! Our mission is to inspire curiosity, creativity and care for the environment. We do this by diverting materials from landfill and providing accessible and affordable art materials and educational supplies to all sectors of the community. Here you can find out how you can bring the magic of ReCreate to your school or community group. We can't wait to have you on board!" - Kevin Mc Loughlin, ReCreate

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There is no minimum time requirement, it's entirely up to you!

Learn more about Creative Reuse

The whole concept of Creative Reuse is about people coming together to find creative and imaginative uses for materials that would otherwise be destined for landfill. It's all about opening up your mind and the minds of those you work with to see materials in a new light and as opportunity for creativity and play.

Think about the possibilities! What can we make today?



  • I once had lots of thread wrapped around me but now I can be a telescope…
  • I can help keep a house warm but now we are going to space and we can rule the universe…
  • Fill me with earth and seeds and we can grow something sweet to eat…
  • I nearly became a colourful scarf but now I can be the tickly tentacles of an octopus deep under the sea…
  • We always keep a lid on things but the secret’s out now that we are printing circles everywhere …
  • I can help people breathe especially now we’re walking on the moon…
  • Who would want to wrap me in cello tape when I can be shaped into a butterfly wing …
  • I may be tiny but with hundreds of my friends, we can make the noise of thunder…
  • Fill me up and I sink but leave me empty we can float around the world on an adventure…

Give it a Go!

Once you begin to think about excess materials in a different way, you'll see lots of them around your home and school that can be used for a creative purpose.

It might be old bottles, boxes, thread, wool, fabric. Why not gather them up and create your very own toolkit. You can then give this to the kids and let them start to play and create. You'll be amazed at how the old materials are quickly transformed into something much more exciting!


Visit the Warehouse of Wonder

Our Warehouse of Wonder is chock full of inspiration and full to the brim with materials that are just waiting to be transformed into something more creative. Visiting the warehouse will open your mind to the possibilities. The Warehouse is located in Dublin so if you're based near Dublin (or you're planning a visit), you can arrange to drop in and see it for yourself.

Once you sign up to Become a ReCreator, we'll help you arrange a time for your visit.

In the meantime, here's a quick video tour that will give you a sneak peek to what it's like:


Become a ReCreate Member

Individuals, early childhood groups, schools, colleges, community and art groups, art students, artists & crafters, active retired groups, clubs and societies are all active members of ReCreate. Becoming a Member means that you can visit the Warehouse of Wonder whenever you like and take away lots of materials back to your school or community group.

You're also joining a national network of ReCreaters and share your experience and ideas with other Members.

Download the Membership form here

Organise a Workshop

Recreate run upwards of 300 workshops each year. Our creative reach knows no boundaries where we welcome anyone from 2 years of age to 100 years of age to get involved! Focusing on the idea of creative reuse we design and deliver a wide variety of workshops, from creating Christmas decorations with children, to corporate training, to preparing teachers for working through the arts in educational settings.

At ReCreate we believe that everybody has imagination and everybody can be creative, all you need is the materials and an opportunity to explore! When people visit us here at our warehouse of wonders, we provide both!

For those of who can't make it to us, we can make it to you. We are frequently out on the road travelling to schools and community groups bringing a wonderful selection of fabrics, wools, card, plastic, tubing and foils as well as fantastic ideas.


Our artists focus on the following areas:


Not only do we have 2 in house artists, working constantly on how to transform what is perceived as 'waste' materials into something fantastic or fantastical, there is also a team of artists working alongside us, constantly sharing their wonderful ideas and creations with the ReCreate team. The tactile nature of the materials we use not only allow us to create art objects, but also real sensory experiences which have been used again and again when working with people with special needs.

Following ReCreate workshops, participants walk away with a real sense of achievement. By using our materials, people can engage in an approach which encourages individual thinking and which welcomes and validates everybody's unique creative process. ReCreate's workshops really are an enabler for greater communication and collaboration between the participants, as well as promoting well-being in the individuals. Also, the more people that use ReCreate, the greater the positive environmental impact. We redirect over 250 tonnes of waste from landfill each year, helping to make our planet a cleaner, greener and more creative place to be!!

  • Materials Know How: Understanding and transforming objects and materials
  • Art Skills: Using art specific mediums (e.g. plaster/print) paired with materials from ReCreate (e.g. hessian sacking)
  • Lateral Thinking: How to use the materials to explore your imagination and play
  • Aistear and Siolta: Create links between ReCreates service and the early childhood curriculum
