Play for Peace Club

Build connections, compassion and community through cooperative play.


Guia de 5 Passos para

Play for Peace Club

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Play for Peace Club "Welcome to the Play for Peace family! By joining our Club Program, you are empowering young leaders, fostering peace and compassion, breaking barriers, and building lasting friendships through the universal language of play." - Sarah Gough, Executive Director, Play for Peace

5 Passos

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Checklist de Recursos


Participants should plan on 1-3 hours a week either for training, planning, or implementing the "Practice Peace" play sessions during the initial 6 months of implementation.

Take the Community Compassion Quiz

Is Play for Peace right for you? This quiz will help you understand your community's readiness and need for Play for Peace. You may define "community" as your school, town, organization, or neighborhood. Answering these simple questions about yourself and your community can provide valuable insights into whether you may benefit from forming a Play for Peace Club. 

  1. Is there a division between different groups of people within your community? Are there issues between your community and others that result in hatred or mistreatment?

  2. Do conflicts happen often in your community? Do they sometimes result in physical, emotional, or political violence?

  3. Are some people in your community treated as less valuable than others?

  4. Do the children and youth in your community lack a consistent experience of cooperation, caring, safety, and fun?

  5. Do you wish for a way to improve your life and the lives of others around you?

If you've answered "yes" to any of the questions above, we invite you to join us and let the transformation begin! We’ve had incredible results using the power of play and experiential learning activities to create compassion, inspire hope, and bridge divides in some of the world's most challenging areas.

Recruit Play for Peace Club Members

The great thing about the Play for Peace Club is that you don't need to be a specialist to lead it! However, your enthusiasm and interest in supporting young people in developing their leadership skills through compassionate play and inclusive activity facilitation will be important in recruiting others to join you.

Teachers, community leaders, youth development coordinators, and parents can support the club as Play for Peace Adult Mentors. All clubs must be formed with one mentor and at least five youths (aged 15-25) who can join you in leading a transformative process in your community.

Start by reaching out to local schools and organizations. These environments are rich with potential members eager to make a difference!

Learn and Practice Together

Once your application to form a club is approved, you will receive our Play for Peace Starter Kit—a digital guide to help you launch your club and invitations for live and video online Play for Peace training.

The Starter Kit and training process will cover:

- An overview of the Play for Peace program
- Ideas on how to deliver the program effectively, with curriculum guides and equipment lists
- Clear instructions and live practice opportunities for facilitating cooperative play

Host your "Practice Peace" Events 

Contact local schools, organizations, or community groups to identify children to invite to your Practice Peace sessions. Club members will plan sessions based on curriculum guides provided, incorporating diverse games and activities tailored to the participant's interests and needs. 

Practice Peace sessions can take many forms, but all use a sequence of cooperative play activities, lasting at least 25 minutes to half a day with a minimum of 10 and a maximum of hundreds of children! We ask that you host two Practice Peace sessions as part of this project.

Celebrate Your Impact

During each Practice Peace session, your Play for Peace Club members will gather feedback and observations to assess the impact on participants' engagement, learning, and enjoyment. This data is then shared with the Play for Peace Community to highlight the sessions' success in building community and enhancing life skills. It provides valuable insights for future planning and demonstrates the positive influence of play on fostering peace and compassion.

Once you have completed your final report, we will send you digital diplomas and an Appreciation Event Guide to use with your Play for Peace Club Members to celebrate the enormous achievement you have all reached together.

After this process, you may choose to continue your Play for Peace Club to receive additional training, support and opportunities. 
