Thời gian
Tháng tám 10 tại 05:15CHIỀU - 07:30CHIỀU
khoảng 7 năm trước
Địa điểm
Woodhouse Estate, Stradbally, Co. Waterford
Chi tiết
Visit to Woodhouse Estate, Stradbally - Thursday, 10th August
While not strictly within the GIY remit of growing food, Woodhouse Estate in Stradbally has a delightful walled garden and that along with their renowned high tea will guarantee a feast for the senses.
We will meet at 6.15pm at Woodhouse Estate and a tea of sandwiches, scones and cakes will be served, after which you will be free to visit the garden and walk around the estate.
We need a minimum of 20 to make the visit viable, so If you are interested please call me on 086-3695252 as soon as possible. The cost is €10 per head and any profits are donated by Woodhouse Estate to the local hospice movement.