Now that you've registered with us we'll be in direct contact with you and your principal/science coordinator to organise a short introductory training, discuss your specific schools info and needs, plan forward - easy peasy!
Our training lasts approx 1 Hour and is online - but it is desiged so you can do it in your own time - bit by bit / lesson by lesson.
We'll share more about the programme your class received focussing on the box contents, the layout of the lessons and the fun activities the kids will take part in.
The BOX contains all the materials and resources for your 5 lesson programme - you can start as soon as soon as you have the training done - all very straightforward!
Work away in your own time, according to your own schedule - but be sure take photos of the brilliant work your class is doing (with consent forms and permissions!).
Remember to let us know how you get on and how the programme went overall for you and your class.