Juni 16 pada 09: 00AM - 10: 00AM
yang lalu lebih dari 5 tahun
Di mana?
Delicious Earth Farm - 530 Fairgrounds Drive
Hello All,
Thanks for agreeing to join the polinator Project. The next step in getting the $1800 of seed money is for us to have a casual kick off meeting and take a picture.
We have 11 days to complete this task. Like all of us, my schedule is really tight, I'm enroute to New Jersey as I type, back for 1 day, Sunday the 16th, and then off to Dallas for another meeting. So Sunday the 16th is the only day I can meet. I propose 10AM, if another time works for you please let me know.
The agenda for this meeting is to
1) Review the vision
2) Gather ideas about how to best use the seed money
3) Create action plan
4) Take a picture
Thanks for your participation !