Joyina umphakathi wethu womhlaba wonke wabashintshi ngokuqala iphrojekthi. Uzothola konke okudingayo ukuze ube nomthelela emphakathini wakho.
Bona imigomo nemibandela egcwele
Uxhaso lwabelwa labo abaphothula ngempumelelo inselelo ngokuthi ofike kuqala, ofike kuqala.
STEAM-In-A-Box programmes are fun, creative, curriculum-linked programmes inspiring primary school children (and teachers!) to love STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Maths)!
Welcome migrants and refugees to your community through conversational English classes
Monitor traffic and air pollution in your local community and use the data to create healthier and more sustainable communities.
FIRST® LEGO® League Discover (IRL/UK)
Lead a hands-on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) programme in your school or community for 4-6 year-olds.
FIRST® LEGO® League Explore (IRL/UK)
Lead a hands-on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) programme in your school or community for 6-9 year-olds.
FIRST® LEGO® League Challenge (IRL/UK)
Lead a hands-on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) programme in your school or community for 9-16 year-olds.
Energy transition tangible, positive and emotional for students
Organize an Hour of Code™ and join a global movement introducing tens of millions of students worldwide to computer science.
Plant a Pocket Forest of 25sqm (5mx5m) in your garden, community or school (Leinster region only)
Sihlose ukwenza inqubo yesicelo isheshe futhi ibe lula ngangokunokwenzeka.
Uzocelwa imininingwane efana nekheli lephrojekthi yakho, kanye nesisusa sakho sokuqala iphrojekthi ngefomu elifushane lesicelo. Uma ususifakile isicelo uzoqala i- 30 Day Challenge . Uxhaso lwabelwa abenzi bezicelo lapho bephothula ngempumelelo i-30 Day Challenge futhi ngokufika kuqala, ngesisekelo sokuhlinzekwa kuqala. Funda kabanzi .
Kudingeka ukuthi wabelane nathi ngenqubekelaphambili kanye nemiphumela yephrojekthi yakho, idatha yomthelela izokwabelwana nozakwethu.
Uxhaso lwabelwa amaphrojekthi aqala umbono ofakazelwe ekuqedeni ngempumelelo Inselele Yezinsuku Ezingama-30 kanye ngokufika kuqala.
Imali eyabelwe iphrojekthi yakho ihlukaniswe izinkokhelo ezimbili:
Izimali zingasetshenziselwa ukumboza:
Izimali azikwazi ukusetshenziselwa ukumboza:
Kufanele ube ne-akhawunti yasebhange ukuze uthole uxhaso. Uma usuqedele ngempumelelo izinyathelo ezidingekayo zingakapheli izinsuku ezingu-30, ungafaka imininingwane yakho yasebhange kuwebhusayithi ye-ChangeX ukuze wenze ukudluliselwa kwebhange kube lula ngomhlinzeki wokukhokha ovikelekile. I-ChangeX izobe isibuyekeza isicelo sakho ukuze iqinisekise ukuthi zonke izici ziqedwe ngempumelelo ngaphambi kokudlulisela ku-akhawunti yakho.
Inani lemali etholakalayo yephrojekthi yakho lincike embonweni oyikhethayo. Amanani oxhaso afakazelwe ahambisana nezindleko zokuqala iphrojekthi ngayinye esifundeni sakho. Inani eliphakeme lemali etholakalayo ngephrojekthi ngayinye libhalwe ebhokisini eliluhlaza elingenhla.
Abantu ngabanye nezinhlangano ezingakahleleki bangafaka izicelo futhi zithole uxhaso lwephrojekthi eyodwa ngesikhathi. Kufanele ubike ngomthelela wanoma imaphi amaphrojekthi axhaswe ngaphambilini ukuze ukwazi ukufaka isicelo sokuqala iphrojekthi entsha. Izinhlangano ezingahlelekile zihlanganisa amaqembu noma izinhlangano ezingezona izinhlangano ezibhalisiwe ngokusemthethweni.
Izinhlangano ezibhaliswe ngokusemthethweni zingafaka izicelo futhi zithole uxhaso lwezimali zamaphrojekthi ahlukene afinyelela kwamathathu ngesikhathi, inqobo nje uma isicelo ngasinye kanye nephrojekthi ewumphumela sithunyelwa futhi siholwa ilungu elihlukile lethimba lenhlangano. Uma amaphrojekthi amaningi ezokwenzeka endaweni efanayo, kufanele ahluke.
Izinhlangano kufanele zibhaliswe ngokusemthethweni ezweni lapho zisebenza khona, ngokuvamile zihlanganisa izinhlangano ezingenzi nzuzo, izikole, imitapo yolwazi, namanye amaqembu omphakathi abhaliswe ngokusemthethweni.
Uma ufake isicelo ngaphambilini futhi wehluleka I-30 Day Challenge noma iphrojekthi yakho ayizange ikhethelwe ukuthola uxhaso, uyafaneleka ukuhambisa isicelo esisha. Uma uthole uxhaso esikhathini esidlule futhi ungazange ubike ngomthelela wephrojekthi, awufaneleki ukufaka isicelo futhi.
Uma udinga noma yikuphi ukwesekwa okwengeziwe ukuze uqedele inqubo yesicelo noma ukufinyelela izinsiza sicela uthinte [email protected] futhi sizokusiza.
The PwC Ireland Resilient Communities Fund reflects our focus on inclusion and making a meaningful impact in supporting the communities in which we live. By joining forces with ChangeX, we are delivering on our purpose, in a deliberate way, to empower local communities to create a real and lasting impact. This initiative will support local community based changemakers across Ireland to turn their ideas into reality, shaping a more equitable, inclusive and sustainable future.
Enda McDonagh
Managing Partner, PwC Ireland