Lignes directrices du défi

What is the aim of the International Day of Play Community Fund?

The aim of the International Day of Play Community Fund, sponsored by the LEGO Foundation, is to celebrate the power of play by supporting existing groups and individuals (once they form a team) based in Ukraine, South Africa, Mexico, Denmark, United States, and United Kingdom, to host an event around International Day of Play to provide children with more time and opportunities to play. 

Applicants can choose to replicate a play project from a portfolio of ideas on the ChangeX site, or alternatively submit a grant request with their own event or project that creates safe and accessible places to play in their community. 

Once the applicant has demonstrated their commitment and ability to start the chosen community event or project by successfully completing a 30 Day Challenge on the ChangeX website, ChangeX will provide funding, information guides and support to give the applicant the best chance of success. In addition, once the applicant has reported back on the impact the event or project had in their community, they will receive a further instalment of funding to support ongoing play activities.

All projects should be managed in an inclusive and welcoming manner and any events organised should comply with any relevant public health guidance.


The following criteria must be met by all applicants:

  • The purpose of the event or project must be to celebrate International Day of Play by giving children the time, space and opportunity to play. (Note: the portfolio ideas on the ChangeX site all have been chosen to celebrate International Day of Play)

  • Events/projects must take place within one of the eligible countries: Ukraine, South Africa, Mexico, Denmark, United Kingdom, and United States

  • Events must take place within one month of International Day of Play on June 11, 2024

  • Grant recipients must be able and willing to report back on the impact of their event/project by August 15, 2024

  • Applicants must be at least 18 years old or have the permission of a guardian to apply for funding.

  • Applicants must not be political figures or political organisations. Religious figures and/or religious organisations are eligible to apply as long as projects are inclusive of all community members regardless of religious beliefs or lack thereof.

  • Applicants must provide a certificate of clean criminal record or equivalent or in the case of organizations, registration of the legal entity. 

  • Applicants must not have any other open project with ChangeX. All previous projects have been finished by completing impact reporting.

Opening date

The fund opens for applications on May 13, 2024. Registrations for all projects will close on June 11, 2024.

Open grant applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. All open grant applicants will be notified as soon as possible after submissions of your application and at the latest by June 18, 2024 whether they have been allocated funding and can progress with the 30 Day Challenge or whether they have been unsuccessful.

What can the funding be used for?

Funds can be used to cover direct costs relating to the the set-up or organising of an event or project to celebrate International Day of Play. For example, funds can be used for space rental, insurance fees, toys; pretty much any materials you might need for an event or project to celebrate International Day of Play.

ChangeX shall not be held liable to reimburse any costs that are incurred by applicants, prior to the release of funds by ChangeX. In exceptional circumstances, applicants may seek written approval from ChangeX to incur costs ahead of the release of funds. Written approval will be granted at the sole discretion of ChangeX. Payments will only be made if ChangeX finds that all relevant requirements are met.

Any potential tax consequences, reporting requirements, and consents from third parties are solely the responsibility and liability of the recipient of the funding.

What can the funding not be used for?

Funds may not be used to promote or engage in criminal acts of violence, terrorism, hate crimes, the destruction of any state, or discrimination on the basis of race, national origin, religion, military and veteran status, disability, sex, age, gender identity or sexual orientation, or support of any entity that engages in these activities.

The fund cannot be used to cover costs of work that has already been carried out and can’t be used for anything that is not related to the setup and maintenance of the new or existing community project. It cannot be used to cover the promotion of religious causes, non-charitable activities, sponsorship or fundraising events. Funds cannot be used as payment to group members for their work on the project.

Reporting Requirements and Funding 

In return for any funding you may receive, you are required to share the outcomes of the event or project with ChangeX and LEGO Foundation

The funding allocated is divided into two stages. The first payment (80% of total funding amount) can be accessed upon successful completion of a 30 Day Challenge on the ChangeX website. For individuals or organizations who choose to replicate one of the available projects on ChangeX, during the 30 Day Challenge, several steps that demonstrate the commitment and ability of you or your community group to start project are taken. These include scheduling a support call with a ChangeX team member; setting up a team meeting; sharing a photo of your team meeting and providing a narrative on what you will spend the funding on, your next steps as a group, and how you hope the project will ultimately benefit your community. For individuals or organizations who are selected to receive funding to expand an existing project, the 30 Day Challenge only requires that you confirm that you have read a document about the impact reporting requirements after being notified of their successful grant application and before receiving the first payment.

The second payment (20% of total funding amount) will be issued to you after you have completed an impact survey demonstrating the outcomes of your project. The impact survey must be submitted before August 15, 2024. You will be asked to answer questions such as the number of beneficiaries impacted by your project, as well as specific questions related to the idea you have started. At this stage, you will also be asked to share photos that should show your group in action and include as many of your organizing group and beneficiaries as possible.

It is very important that you keep all receipts and records of how any funding you might receive is spent as ChangeX will collect and review these receipts before releasing the second installment of funding. If receipts cannot be shown, if the funds are found to have been spent on costs other than those relating to the set-up or maintenance of the community project, or if the project has not met the requirements of the initial project plan, no further funds will be allocated to this project and ChangeX reserves the right to retrieve the funds that have already been distributed. The applicant will be indefinitely ineligible to apply for any subsequent grants through ChangeX.

Multiple applications

Each applicant is only eligible to submit one replication application or one open grant application to receive funding. 


Family and close relatives of ChangeX employees or of LEGO Foundation employees are not eligible to apply for funding.

How to apply

Once you have ensured that you meet all the criteria above, you can choose one of two routes; either select your preferred idea from the portfolio of proven ideas and register to start it; or alternatively, if you have your own idea to celebrate Interational Day of Play, select the option to submit your own project. The amount of funding available for your project depends on which idea you chose to start. Funding amounts generally range from $8,500 to $34,000 mexican pesos for the proven portfolio ideas (the amount of funding available per idea can be found on the webpage of each idea; funding amounts align with the cost of starting each project). For your own, existing community project, there are three available price points, of $8,500, $17,000 and $34,000 mexican pesos, depending on need. Once you have completed the application form, if your project is selected to receive funding, you will be allocated funding and assigned your own page on the ChangeX platform, where you can complete a number of simple steps to access the allocated funding. You will be able to access the funding in 2 payments; the first payment (80% of your total funding) is unlocked upon completion of the 30 Day Challenge, and the second (20% of your total funding) once your project outcomes have been demonstrated. If you do not complete the 30 Day Challenge within the allocated time period (30 days from registration), your funding will be reallocated to another group and will not be accessible to you any longer.

In order to receive the funding, you must have a bank account. Once you’ve successfully unlocked your funding, you will be asked to enter your bank details on the ChangeX website to facilitate the bank transfer.

Once you have completed your Challenge and entered your bank information ChangeX will review your application to make sure all elements of the Challenge have been completed successfully. Payment will then be made, and the transfer will take an average of 4 working days to reach the applicant’s bank account.

When the final impact survey has been completed (before August 15, 2024) it will also be reviewed, to ensure the event or project has occurred as planned. Payment will then be made, and the transfer will take an average of 4 working days to reach the applicant’s bank account.

ChangeX, at its sole discretion, decides which applicants will be accepted, what the funds can be used for, documentation requirements, and whether the relevant criteria for payment have been met, prior to the approval of a project. ChangeX may request further information and documentation as it reasonably deems necessary, and can set further reasonable requirements or criteria during the application process or throughout the project.

Supports Available

In order to give you the best chance of success to get your new project active, ChangeX will provide you with a number of supports, resources and tools. These include a 5-Step Guide relating to the idea you are starting, a general guide to starting projects in your community, a call with a member of the ChangeX team (which is a mandatory step in completing the 30 Day Challenge), email support, a local webpage to manage your team and previous starter stories to provide information and inspiration.


If you require any additional support to complete the application process or access resources, please contact [email protected], and we will do everything in our power to help.

Where is this funding coming from?

This fund is supported by the LEGO Foundation. ChangeX is solely responsible for the management of the fund, including the selection of applicants, starter support, fund distribution and impact tracking.

Sharing your project with media or on social 

We encourage you to share news about your community project through your local media or on social media in order to find people to join and support your project, or just to share some positive news with your wider community. When talking to media, we kindly ask you to mention the source of the funding for your project. For example, you can say: “The project received funding through the International Day of Play Community Fund, run by ChangeX.” OR “The project has been made possible thanks to funding from LEGO Foundation and support from ChangeX.” On social media, please use the following hashtags when announcing your project: #InternationalDayofPlay

ChangeX Child Protection Policy

ChangeX indirectly engages with thousands of children within the context of supporting local communities to start a range of innovations on the ChangeX platform. ChangeX is committed to taking the necessary actions to support child protection. At ChangeX we care about the well-being and safety of children and recognise our fundamental duty to care for the children with whom we directly engage, and our responsibility to ensure that the social innovations we work with, and the local organisations that directly engage with children through the starting of innovations from the ChangeX platform, are also committed to this duty to care for children, and are equipped with the relevant information needed to do so.

ChangeX has a zero tolerance policy for child abuse in any form. People working for or affiliated with ChangeX must always treat children decently and respectfully.

Scope of the Child Protection Policy

In accordance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, a child is defined as an individual below the age of 18. This policy covers all children we engage with directly and indirectly through our strategic partners and local communities. It also includes any young people below the age of 18 who work or cooperate with ChangeX or our partners.

ChangeX operates in different geographical contexts where ideas and legislation related to children and child protection vary. ChangeX strives to provide a positive experience for all children, and they must be treated with dignity and respect, no matter where we operate.

It is mandatory that all ChangeX employees and others acting on behalf of ChangeX comply with this policy. 

Child abuse is intolerable and all ChangeX employees and partners or affiliated parties are expected to comply with the law. 

ChangeX Child Protection Guidelines

ChangeX staff, partners, and other individuals representing ChangeX, as well as social innovation teams, and local community organisations starting innovations from the ChangeX platform, must never:

  • hit, otherwise physically assault, or physically abuse children.

  • engage in sexual activity or have a sexual relationship with anyone under the age of 18 years or below the age of consent in the country of operation. Mistaken belief in the age of a child is not a defense.

  • develop relationships with children which could in any way be deemed exploitative or abusive.

  • act in ways that may be abusive in any way or may place a child at risk of abuse.

  • use language, make suggestions or offer advice which is inappropriate, offensive or abusive.

  • behave physically in a manner which is inappropriate or sexually provocative.

  • have a child/children with whom they are working to stay overnight at their home unsupervised unless exceptional circumstances apply and previous permission has been obtained from the immediate manager.

  • sleep in the same bed as a child with whom they are working.

  • sleep in the same room as a child with whom they are working unless exceptional circumstances apply and previous permission has been obtained from the immediate manager.

  • do things for children of a personal nature that they can do themselves.

  • condone, or participate in, behaviour of children which is illegal, unsafe or abusive.

  • act in ways intended to shame, humiliate, belittle or degrade children, or otherwise perpetrate any form of emotional abuse.

  • discriminate against, show unfair differential treatment or favour to particular children to the exclusion of others.

  • spend excessive time alone with children away from others in a manner which could be interpreted as inappropriate.

  • expose a child to inappropriate images, films and websites including pornography and extreme violence.

  • place themselves in a position where they are made vulnerable to allegations of misconduct.

This is not an exhaustive or exclusive list. Staff, partners and other representatives should at all times avoid actions or behaviour, which may allow behaviour to be misrepresented, constitute poor practice or potentially abusive behaviour.

ChangeX staff, partners, and other individuals representing ChangeX, as well as social innovation teams, and local community organisations starting innovations from the ChangeX platform must:

  • listen, value and respect all children.

  • know the culture in which you are working and the appropriate behaviour and language around children.

  • listen to children carefully if a child has a concern.

  • as a member of staff or a volunteer, run projects in a safe, fun and positive manner.

  • let children know you are there to help them.


  1. Relevant child safeguarding training:

  2. To report any suspected child abuse, you can fill out a form through the ChangeX Reporting System and/or submit your claim via the LEGO Foundation's Whistleblower platform.

Conditions d'utilisation du fonds

  1. By submitting an application, you are deemed to have read and accepted the fund guidelines and these terms and conditions. reserves the right to disqualify any entries which do not comply with the Fund Guidelines and Terms and Conditions.
  2. By subjecting yourself to these terms and conditions you declare that you have performed all corporate acts, obtained all necessary corporate and any other applicable authorizations, and complied with all applicable legal requirements necessary to subject yourself to these terms and conditions. You further represent that: (i) there is no legal or any other impediment to participate in the process for the raising of funds by ChangeX, as well as to obtain and apply the same; and (ii) your compliance with these terms and conditions, as well as the execution and fulfillment of all and any acts deriving from them does not violate your bylaws -if applicable-, law, decree, regulation, circular, award, order, any judgment applicable to you or any provision of any act, contract, agreement or any other contractual provision to which you are a party or which is applicable to you.

  3. In the event that circumstances beyond the reasonable control of ChangeX effect, or could effect, the proper operation of this fund, ChangeX reserves the right to cancel or amend the fund or these terms and conditions at any time but will make every effort to avoid causing undue disappointment to applicants where such action is deemed necessary.
  4. If you are a successful fund awardee, you agree that ChangeX, LEGO Foundation, and the social innovator behind the Idea you replicate, may use your name, image and location for any reasonable and related promotional purposes. You further agree to participate in any reasonable publicity required by ChangeX or LEGO Foundation. Any motivation statements, descriptions of your project and updates you post to your ChangeX project page can be used for reasonable and related promotional purposes by both ChangeX, LEGO Foundation, and the social innovator behind the Idea you replicate. This includes newsletters, social media, blog posts, and other promotional materials.

  5. Your fund application and any accompanying material submitted to ChangeX (such as motivation statements, group or impact photos, action plans) will become the property of ChangeX on receipt, and may be used by Changex and the LEGO Foundation for any reasonable and related promotional purposes.  You must ensure all adults that apperar in any image have signed the  Appearance Release form found here.

  6. Acknowledge and agree that ChangeX International is and shall be the sole and exclusive owner of all right, title and interest in and to: (i) the development, implementation, participation and application of resources and support for the realization of the projects that ChangeX undertakes; (ii) the filming, recording and photographs made and obtained (by me or any other third party) in relation with, and in connection with, ChangeX’s projects that ChangeX carries out (including all films, photographs and other recordings, including discarded footage and behind-the-scenes material); and (iii) all information - including information that identifies an individual, such as name, image, appearance, voice, biographical, professional and personal information, signature, other personal characteristics, private information- and/or all materials obtained and/or created by me and/or by third parties in connection with the projects that ChangeX carries out, including all copyrights and other intellectual property rights therein, for the longest period permitted by law and throughout the world. I hereby undertake to take all such acts and actions as may from time to time be necessary to protect, respect, safeguard and enforce the right that I recognize that ChangeX has; including, but not limited to, the assignment, transfer, waiver and/or revocation of any title or rights from time to time to which I may be entitled and which may be necessary for such purposes and the confirmation that no additional consideration is owed to me in connection with such actions or under any other capacity. Likewise, I commit myself to carry out the actions that are necessary and that correspond to me to cause that the persons involved in the realization of the projects to recognize the right that Change X has.

  7. Any images or videos shared on ChangeX must meet our criteria:
    • Parental/guardian consent must be secured for any images or videos featuring children, and any images uploaded to ChangeX will be presumed by ChangeX to have parental/guardian consent. Individual children should not be identified by name on the ChangeX site.

    • Notwithstanding the foregoing, the consent of the minors or incapacitated persons parent or guardian must be obtained through a privacy notice and authorization agreement form. For such purposes, you must use the Appearance Release form for minors found here

    • You have permission from all people featured in an image or video to share their image or feature them in the video.
    • You own the image/video OR you have secured the photographer’s permission/videographer's permission to share it with ChangeX and our partners.

    • You have the rights/appropriate permissions for any music used in your video.

    • In the event that we need to check any of the above, you will be able to provide evidence that the necessary permissions are in place.

  8. No Employment Relationship/Non-Association. The Applicant and ChangeX hereby agree and recognize that there does not exist and will not exist any labor relationship between them, between the workers of ChangeX and the Applicant, nor between the workers of the Applicant and ChangeX. The Applicant and ChangeX declare to be totally independent, reason for which there does not exist any nexus or labor-employer relationship between them, nor any form of society, association, joint venture, mandate, representation, agency, consortium, joint liability, labor relationship or any other similar relationship, nor between any of them and any suppliers and/or subcontractors of the other. In such virtue, it is understood that Change X and the Applicant will be independently responsible parties for the payment of salaries, legal benefits, contributions, taxes, rights and any type of obligation stipulated by law, with respect to their corresponding workers.

  9. The applicant and ChangeX will each assume, at their own expense, the civil, fiscal, administrative, regulatory and any other obligations and responsibilities that each one may have, derived from the present terms and conditions, from the participation of the funds and/or the implementation and execution of the projects. In this regard, the applicant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless ChangeX, its subsidiaries and/or affiliates as well as its respective officers, directors and employees, from any claim by third parties and/or a governmental authority resulting or related to any actions or omissions of the Applicant and/or its respective officers, directors and employees and indemnify and hold harmless ChangeX, its subsidiaries and/or affiliates as well as its respective officers, directors and employees from any from any damages, claims, demands, complaints, fines, sanctions or claims that derive from or are a consequence of: (i) the failure of the applicant to comply with any of the obligations arising from these terms and conditions; (ii) the falsity or inaccuracy of any of the statements made by the applicant; and (iii) any claims of any nature including but not limited to civil, administrative, regulatory, tax, labor and/or any other nature; it being understood, however, that the applicant shall not be obligated to indemnify ChangeX for any damages, claims, demands, complaints, fines, penalties or claims arising out of or resulting from ChangeX’s willful misconduct or gross negligence. 

  10. The applicant undertakes to obtain, process, renew, request and have at all times any license, permit, authorization and/or concession before any competent governmental authority that may be necessary to use and apply the funds and implement and execute the project to be developed. Likewise, it is obligated to submit any notices, applications and/or notifications that may be necessary for the same purposes, before any governmental authorities. In general, the applicant agrees to comply with the applicable legal framework; recognizing in this act that ChangeX only provides resources for the implementation of the projects, without acquiring or undertaking any type of responsibility for the development and execution of the same which shall be the sole and exclusive responsibility of the applicant.

  11. By applying to this fund, you:
    • Agree that any personal information provided by you with the fund application may be held and used only by ChangeX and to administer the fund and for any other purposes to which you have expressly consented;

    • Understand that you may withdraw such consent at any time by contacting ChangeX at [email protected]

    • Are deemed to have read, understood and accepted the ChangeX privacy policy, a copy of which can be found at

    • Agree to comply at all times and at your own expense with the applicable regulations on the protection of personal data held by individuals. In the event that you collect personal data from any natural person who is involved in the development of the project (including, without limitation, any employee or agent of the Applicant or any third party natural person) and/or who is the beneficiary of the same, you must obtain the consent of such persons and inform them of the corresponding privacy notice. For such purposes, you must use the privacy notice and authorization agreement form found here. In case you already have a privacy notice that is applicable to the purposes related to the project, you agree to verify that at all times such notice has all the elements described in the linked privacy notice format and in the authorization agreement; in particular, it must contemplate the transfer of personal data, including the consent of the owner for such transfer. In any case, you are obliged to communicate to ChangeX the privacy notice and the purposes to which the owner of the personal data has subjected them.
    • Acknowledge and agree that ChangeX International is and shall be the sole and exclusive owner of all right, title and interest in and to: (i) the development, implementation, participation and application of resources and support for the realization of the projects that ChangeX undertakes; (ii) the filming, recording and photographs made and obtained (by me or any other third party) in relation with, and in connection with, ChangeX’s projects that ChangeX carries out (including all films, photographs and other recordings, including discarded footage and behind-the-scenes material); and (iii) all information - including information that identifies an individual, such as name, image, appearance, voice, biographical, professional and personal information, signature, other personal characteristics, private information- and/or all materials obtained and/or created by me and/or by third parties in connection with the projects that ChangeX carries out, including all copyrights and other intellectual property rights therein, for the longest period permitted by law and throughout the world. I hereby undertake to take all such acts and actions as may from time to time be necessary to protect, respect, safeguard and enforce the right that I recognize that ChangeX has; including, but not limited to, the assignment, transfer, waiver and/or revocation of any title or rights from time to time to which I may be entitled and which may be necessary for such purposes and the confirmation that no additional consideration is owed to me in connection with such actions or under any other capacity. Likewise, I commit myself to carry out the actions that are necessary and that correspond to me to cause that the persons involved in the realization of the projects to recognize the right that Change X has.
  12. Insofar as is permitted by law, ChangeX will not in any circumstances be responsible or liable to compensate applicants or accept any liability for any loss, damage, personal injury or death occurring as a result of taking part in the fund except where it is caused by the negligence of ChangeX or its employees.

  13. Nothing in these terms and conditions shall operate to limit or exclude its liability for death or personal injury caused by its negligence or for fraud (including, but not limited to, fraudulent misrepresentation) or for that which cannot lawfully be excluded.

  14. Nothing in these terms and conditions shall impact the awardee’s statutory rights.

  15. If any provision of these terms and conditions is held by a competent authority to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of these terms and conditions will not be affected and will remain valid.

  16. Nothing in these terms and conditions shall confer any rights on any third person owing to the rule of privity of contract.

  17. These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Ireland. Any dispute arising under these terms and conditions (whether such disputes or issues are contractual or non-contractual in nature, such as claims in tort, for breach of statute or regulation or otherwise) shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Republic of Ireland.
