Earth Rangers will guide you through identifying, planning, and executing an environmental project that will bring positive change to your community.
"The process of planning and creating these projects makes you ask questions and makes you learn and rethink things, and I think that's really important for kids my age. I could've just gone on google and asked it how to do things, but with this p...
Welcome to ER Teens by Earth Rangers! We believe that how we live and work together in our communities can have a HUGE impact on the environment -- and it starts with us. If you want to take meaningful action for the environment but don't know where to begin, we can help!
Earth Rangers will help you to identify opportunities for positive environmental change where you live, and then make that change a reality. We will be with you every step of the way to make sure your project is a success. This program is a great way to contribute to a cause you care about while learning the skills you'll need to become an environmental leader of tomorrow.