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PwC Ireland Resilient Communities Fund

€100,000 | Republic of Ireland | 9 Ideas
Bringen Sie bewährte Ideen in Ihre Gemeinde

Bewährte Ideen und Finanzierung für Ihre Gemeinschaft

This €100,000 fund is designed to empower individuals and teams across Ireland to spearhead local community projects that promote inclusion, equitable access to opportunities, skills development, and sustainability.

So funktioniert's
  • Select an idea listed below and register to get your project page
  • Use your project page to complete the 30 Day Challenge
  • Submit a photo and your action plan
  • Let us know what impact you are having in your community
Wer sich bewerben kann
  • You want to start a ChangeX idea to improve your local community
  • You're passionate about building a thriving community where you live in Ireland
  • You are an individual, an existing local group, or a community organisation
Was Sie bekommen
  • Seed funding to start a project
  • Free starter resource pack, mentorship and technology tools to get started
  • Additional impact funding, once you report back on the social impact of your active project

Ideen erkunden

Wählen Sie eine Idee aus, die Sie in Ihrer Gemeinde umsetzen möchten. Siehe Terms & Conditions.
Dieser Fonds ist für Anträge geschlossen. Sie können immer noch Ideen ohne Finanzierung starten oder nach anderen aktiven Fonds in Ihrer Region suchen.
  • STEAM In A Box

    STEAM-In-A-Box programmes are fun, creative, curriculum-linked programmes inspiring primary school children (and teachers!) to love STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Maths)!

  • CycleBus

    Promote active travel by bike for school children by starting a Cycle Bus in your local community.

  • Fáilte Isteach

    Welcome migrants and refugees to your community through conversational English classes

  • WeCount-Projekt

    Überwachen Sie den Verkehr und die Luftverschmutzung in Ihrer Gemeinde und nutzen Sie die Daten, um gesündere und nachhaltigere Gemeinden zu schaffen.

  • Gemeinschaftskühlschrank

    Starten Sie einen Gemeinschaftskühlschrank in Ihrer Community, um gute Lebensmittel zu teilen, die sonst weggeworfen werden würden.

  • Playground for Entrepreneurs

    The Playground for Entrepreneurs is a coaching tool that supports coaches and entrepreneurs on their journey to success, in a collaborative way.

  • FIRST® LEGO® League Discover (IRL/UK)

    Lead a hands-on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) programme in your school or community for 4-6 year-olds.

  • FIRST® LEGO® League Explore (IRL/UK)

    Lead a hands-on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) programme in your school or community for 6-9 year-olds.

  • FIRST® LEGO® League Challenge (IRL/UK)

    Lead a hands-on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) programme in your school or community for 9-16 year-olds.

  • Books for Bright Futures

    Get beautiful Book Dash books to children in your community to bring them joy, support their health and happiness and build their future -- all you have to do is send our book files to a copy shop or printer and they will do the rest!

  • Small Pocket Forest

    Plant a Pocket Forest of 25sqm (5mx5m) in your garden, community or school (Leinster region only)

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The PwC Ireland Resilient Communities Fund reflects our focus on inclusion and making a meaningful impact in supporting the communities in which we live. By joining forces with ChangeX, we are delivering on our purpose, in a deliberate way, to empower local communities to create a real and lasting impact. This initiative will support local community based changemakers across Ireland to turn their ideas into reality, shaping a more equitable, inclusive and sustainable future.

Enda McDonagh
Managing Partner, PwC Ireland
