The Friends of Brislington Brook (FoBB) are a friendly bunch of local volunteers, who enjoy making where we live a better place to be. We look after Nightingale Valley and St Annes Woods.
The Friends of Brislington Brook (FoBB) are a friendly bunch of local volunteers, who enjoy making where we live a better place to be. We look after Nightingale Valley and St Annes Woods.
we have grown our group and our focus on the stream in our nature reserve increased our social media presence with a link tree directory investigated the historical dumping sites and got the council to act performed otter surveys river fly surveys and genetic testing in the pond on our site we have created a reporting form for river pollution and are in talks with our locla water authority on how to work with them to improve water quality
Project Description: to crowdsource pollution monitoring of Brislington brook
Timeline: Beginning April 2023 we plan to set up a pollution monitoring form and a network of volunteers to both record and investigate pollution along Brislington brook our records will be Shared With both Bristol City Council and Wessex Water to help them investigate and resolve pollution incidents we will also track river health through river fly and otter monitoring
Budget: we would like ot buy 2 trail cameras to help monitor for otters @ aprox £350 also buy water quality testing equipment and social media advertising to help promote the project
Impact: our aim is for a cleaner healthier Brislington brook which will benefit the local community with a nicer less risky environment ? our hope is that we will not only engage the core friends of Brislington broom 40-50 people but a wider church in the BS4 and Bs14 wildlife groups approx. 1400 people and the local community within 1 mile of the brook aprox 60,000 ? we are hoping to spread knowledge and increase interest in water quality and pollution reduction?
Location: the catchment of the Brislington rook and specifically Nightingale Valley and St annes woods greenspaces? the friends of Brislington brook operate with the knowledge and approval of Bristol city councils parks department and in cooperation with the environment agency and Wessex Water?
Volunteering work parties litter picking invasive species removing and generally wombling in the brook to keep it a nice place to visit