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Des idées pour tout le monde

Nous nous sommes associés aux meilleurs entrepreneurs sociaux du monde pour vous proposer d’abondantes façons de faire avancer votre communauté.
  • GIY

    Get together with people in your community and share the joy of growing your own food.

  • Outdoor Club

    Adventure Beyond the Classroom

  • Open Orchard

    Organisez un verger pour rassembler les gens de la communauté, fournir gratuitement des fruits aux habitants de la région et verdir les environnements urbains.

  • The Last Plastic Straw

    Start a grassroots campaign to reduce and eliminate wasteful plastic straws from our communities.

  • Projet partenariat pour les insectes pollinisateurs

    Invitez les insectes pollinisateurs à venir faire un tour dans votre quartier en plantant un habitat favorable à ceux-ci dans votre jardin, votre ferme, votre école, votre parc ou n’importe où ailleurs!

  • Sow it Forward

    Start a vertical school garden in your classroom to give kids access to fresh produce and to learn about growing food.

  • Recycle Across America

    Start recycling right with standardized recycling labels for your school that will help you to improve recycling and save your school money.

  • Urban Forestry

    Bring people together in your neighborhood to plant trees for the benefit of your community and the environment.

  • Walking School Bus

    Organize a Walking School Bus in your local area for a healthier, more fun way for kids to get to and from school.

  • Bee Friendly Farming

    Promote pollinator health on your farm and receive recognition and consumer support for it.

  • TreePlanters

    Get hands-on education and support to plant trees in your neighborhood with your neighbors.

  • Building School Gardens

    Use school grounds to develop a sense of place and connection to the environment for urban dwellers.

  • Chicago River Cleanup

    Organize a river cleanup in your community or workplace and help to keep the Chicago River litter free.

  • Rooted in Cheyenne

    Cultivating a greener, healthier and more livable community by planting trees as we all stay at home

  • River Cleanup

    A community based initiative aiming to clean and maintain local rivers

  • Community Composting

    Divert your community's food waste from landfill, reducing harmful greenhouse gas emissions

  • Initiatives for Sharing

    With Initiatives for Sharing, children and teenagers learn project management tools to launch their own community development initiatives, ultimately empowering them as agents of change.

Des fonds disponibles près de chez vous

Nous nous sommes associés à des partenaires pour vous fournir le financement dont vous avez besoin pour mettre en œuvre des projets ayant un impact sur votre communauté.
