Community Mask Making Project - Assisting people that own a sewing machine to make masks for the must vulnerable in our communities
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Weitere Informationen über die ersten Schritte und alle Ressourcen, die von der Sew Change
Sew Change is making it easy for older people to use their skills to help others. People are excited to get involved as they want people living in Direct Provision to feel safe and cared for. This is about saying, welcome to our community. While Covid19 has been so hard on so many people, it has also bought out the best of who we are. The masks are needed for practical health reasons and are also an important show of solidarity. Thank you so much for getting involved and taking the time to share your skills and kindness.
ROBOTACON FIRST® LEGO® League – Preschool Board
FIRST® LEGO® League Applied Science Playground in Vietnam is part of the ROBOTACON robot tournament system organized by Viet Tinh Anh Joint Stock Company in collaboration with the Danish Embassy in Vietnam and supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology. Education and the Department of Education and Training of provinces and cities.
ROBOTACON FIRST® LEGO® League –Elementary Board
FIRST® LEGO® League Applied Science Playground in Vietnam is part of the ROBOTACON robot tournament system organized by Viet Tinh Anh Joint Stock Company in collaboration with the Danish Embassy in Vietnam and supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology. Education and the Department of Education and Training of provinces and cities.