"I love it. It has potential for all children: gifted children, less able children, anyone. It can be used all year round outside or inside, and it’s suitable for all ages (not just KS1)” Mrs Genner, Senior Teacher, Churchfields ‘An inventive and...
Funda kabanziDala ikhasi lakho lephrojekthi
Chofoza inkinobho yokuqala eluhlaza ukuze ubhalise futhi usethe ikhasi lakho lephrojekthi. Kuyashesha, kumahhala futhi kulula.
Qedela i Inselele Yezinsuku ezingama-30
Qedela izinyathelo ezilula ezinsukwini ezingama-30 ukuze ukhiphe iphrojekthi yakho phansi.
Yenza iphrojekthi yakho isebenze
Landela umhlahlandlela wezinyathelo ezi-5 kanye nohlelo lwakho lokusebenza ukuze wenze iphrojekthi iphile.
Yabelana ngomthelela
Yabelana Umphumela ngokuthumela isifinyezo nezithombe kanye nokuqedela inhlolovo.
Kuhle ku
Umhlahlandlela wesinyathelo ezi 5
Okuphakanyisiwe: Up to an hour long training session with adults over zoom. Following this it is best to have Kitcamp out as a free resource on an at least weekly basis. The more Kitcamp is played with, the more the imagination builds!
Ulwazi olwengeziwe mayelana nokuthi ungaqala kanjani nanoma yiziphi izinsiza ezabiwe yi- Kitcamp
Transform any space into a creative play space. We are passionate about being able to provide solutions to play needs, enabling children and practitioners to sprinkle joy into the learning day!
With boxes of our modular panels and loose parts, we can help your team get started and play alongside the children as they imagine, build and play and then when they need a change, just deconstruct and start again! If you're experienced in child led play then we can give you a short introductory session and leave you to it!
You can get started straight away, no need for built foundations or 'subcontractors', Kitcamp is so much more versatile than fixed play equipment.
We have provided kits for the military, educational settings, community and play centres, museums and festivals and are excited to bring it to you!