Thời gian
Tháng năm 16 tại 06:00CHIỀU - 07:30CHIỀU
hơn 7 năm trước
Chi tiết
Our next meeting is on Tuesday 16 May 7pm in the Library, when the topic will be:
Biodiversity: Support Your Pollinators!
by Dr Úna FitzPatrick, Project co-ordinator of the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford.
One third of our 98 bee species are threatened with extinction from Ireland. Most people appreciate the beauty wildflowers bring to our landscape, they want the option to grow their own fruits and vegetables, and they want to buy affordable Irish apples or strawberries in our shops. This can only happen in a landscape that supports pollinators and provides them with nesting areas and a diverse diet from spring to autumn. Hear about Ireland’s wild bee species, the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan 2015-2020 and how you can help by making your own garden or allotment pollinator friendly.
If you have an abundance of seeds and seedlings left over from sowing, please bring them to the meeting, clearly labelled, and in easily divided pots or modules. And remember to bring along a box or bags yourself to take away your goodies!
Hoping that the good weather holds up for June, we are going outside for a garden visit for our June meeting. Please tell me if you (or someone else you know) would welcome a small group of visitors to your garden, who can also give you a hand making new vegetable beds, compost bins etc.