Offer forage providing good nutrition for bees on 3-6% of land.
Plant continuous bloom of different flowering plants throughout the growing season, especially in early spring and late autumn in temperate regions.
Offer clean water for bees.
Provide a variety of habitat for nesting through features such as hedgerows, natural brush, or bufferstrips.
Practice Integrated Pest Management (IPM); reduce or eliminate the use of chemicals.
Pay the annual $45 certification fee.
Once qualified, your location is pinned on the BFF map, and you are then able to use the BFF logo to indicate that your products or services are produced on lands that promote pollinator health. The BFF program offers signs, stickers and bookmarks to help raise public awareness and promote your bee-friendly efforts.
How to get involved
The time needed will depend on the size of your farm and how many actions need to be taken to meet the criteria, but an average would be 6 hours per week.
Taking action to provide a pollinator friendly habitat in your farm helps support healthy and sustainable agricultural economies, food supplies and landscapes. Plus, it can give you a competitive edge!