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Presentation Primary School Green Plan Limerick City

Sexton St, Limerick

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Waste collection - May Litter Picking

08.05.2023 | 10:00AM - 31.05.2023 | 01:40PM

Presentation Primary School, Sexton Street, Limerick City

Cushla Hehir

Presentation Primary School Green Action Plan!

06.02.2023 | 08:45PM - 06.02.2023 | 09:45PM

Presentation Primary School

Cushla Hehir

Green Action Meeting rescheduled!

04.02.2023 | 02:53PM - 04.02.2023 | 03:53PM

Presentation Primary School

Cushla Hehir

Actual Green Plan First meeting! - tomorrow before yard duty 12:30pm!

03.02.2023 | 12:30PM - 03.02.2023 | 01:30PM

Sexton Street Limerick Room 7a

Cushla Hehir