parkHIIT has become a necessary part of my weekly routine. I’m so thankful for this sense of community and connection. Instead of spending cold, gloomy winter mornings under a duvet, you’ll find me in my local park. Even on difficult mornings when...
Funda kabanziDala ikhasi lakho lephrojekthi
Chofoza inkinobho yokuqala eluhlaza ukuze ubhalise futhi usethe ikhasi lakho lephrojekthi. Kuyashesha, kumahhala futhi kulula.
Qedela i Inselele Yezinsuku ezingama-30
Qedela izinyathelo ezilula ezinsukwini ezingama-30 ukuze ukhiphe iphrojekthi yakho phansi.
Yenza iphrojekthi yakho isebenze
Landela umhlahlandlela wezinyathelo ezi-5 kanye nohlelo lwakho lokusebenza ukuze wenze iphrojekthi iphile.
Yabelana ngomthelela
Yabelana Umphumela ngokuthumela isifinyezo nezithombe kanye nokuqedela inhlolovo.
Kuhle ku
Umhlahlandlela wesinyathelo ezi 5
Okuphakanyisiwe: We estimate about 10 hours of admin, Zoom calls and conversations in your local community to plan your group. Once established, maintaining a weekly parkHIIT session will take approximately two hours per week to allow for set up, communications, the session itself and the close out - don't forget the coffee afterwards!
Ulwazi olwengeziwe mayelana nokuthi ungaqala kanjani nanoma yiziphi izinsiza ezabiwe yi- parkHIIT
"Welcome to parkHIIT! We want to empower you to bring a free parkHIIT workout to your local community. parkHIIT is a 30-minute weekly workout that promotes the importance of resistance exercise. Find out here how to start a parkHIIT workout in your local park."