Making Dunluce Rd a better place
Dunluce Road is a friendly residential area in Clontarf, North Dublin. With the Pandemic of Covid-19 many family members are enjoying life outside their houses, using the street area to gather together, making picnics, barbecues, playing sports. This all is being possible due to calmer traffic, once many are working from home and there are restrictions in place.
The residents of the area would like to be able to monitor the road, collecting information about the traffic type, number of vehicles and other users, their speed, so they can understand it better - both now and later, once the situation gets more “normal”. They also want to understand the pollution impact of the traffic in the neighbourhood.
Based on the set of data we are going to make available, the neighbourhood will discuss and organise themselves to approach the authorities and ask for improvements to the road and the area, to make it better for the inhabitants.
We are initially going to install a set of WeCount sensors - Telraam and SmartCitizen - on Dunluce Road, using a project member’s house, which seems to be technically appropriate, as the install site.
The sensors are going to be installed as soon as possible after we are able to order and receive them, what we are expecting will happen by June of 2021. We expect to run the sensors on the road for at least one year.
As results of the data gathered and its analyse, we are targeting some potential outcomes, after the discussion inside the community:
- Reduce speed limits in the road and around it;
- Make the neighborhood more pedestrian and cycling friendly;
- Increment the availability of road segments for activities and play, maybe turning the road to a cul de sac.
COVID-19 safety plan
The project group members will be totally adherent to the safety rules and legislation in place during the execution of the project, respecting social distance and using personal protective equipment during the site works.