The following is the plan that we came up with at our kick-off meeting. We have broken it down into topics.
Seed money through the Arizona Sustainability Challenge
• Expected usage will be on building materials, seeds/plants, water, electricity (if needed), and ongoing maintenance costs
• We are hoping to secure a location free of charge through our HOA or one of the elementary schools in our neighborhood
• Other options for a location may include local groups that have some land for us to use as a donation/tax write-off
Secure a location
• Don to attend next HOA Board meeting: June 25th @ 630p MST
o Initial meeting with Kelly, HOA Lifestyle Director, went well but she said previous discussions of a community garden have been turned down; concerns about lack of planning, etc.
o She said my initial discussion with her was more prepared than anyone else and she asked me to come to the next board meeting to discuss the garden
o Don sent official email to Kelly per her request outlining our idea and to provide more information on the potential funding from Arizona Sustainability Challenge through ChangeX
o HOA will vote if they want to help our group by providing a location for our garden
1. Need to ensure community access
2. Need access to water and electricity
• We can also discuss options with the two elementary schools in our neighborhood
1. Need to ensure community access so can’t be on interior school grounds
2. Need access to water and electricity
Marketing our group
• Nextdoor
o Using Nextdoor has already proven successful
o We will continue to market via Nextdoor promoting both our ChangeX website as well as our Facebook page (to be created soon)
• Facebook
o We will create a Facebook page as this is a popular way to reach people via social media
o This will be especially helpful to announce events and show pictures of our work
• Community launch party
o Once we have our basic plans for the garden, ideas on where the garden will be, etc. we will have a community launch party
1. We will rent out the HOA Club House
2. Don has a PA system and can set up a PowerPoint presentation
3. Refreshments will be served
o We will announce/promote the launch party using Nextdoor and Facebook
Our garden
• Timeline: Use the summer to secure location and plan our layout
• Building: Anthony has offered his skills in building planter boxes, etc.
• Vegetables & Flowers: We can start seedlings in garages during the summer
• Miscellaneous
o Anthony suggested that solar might be an option if power is needed
o Don has one set of grow lights for seedlings
Impacting our community
• Work together in the garden
o Builds community
o Relieves stress
o Gets us outside
• Offer classes
o Arrange for local nurseries to present on different topics
1. Growing seasons
2. Home gardens
3. Hydroponics (nutrients added to water) / Aquaponics (live fish)
• Don has an aquaponics system
• Southwest Aquaponics and Fish Hatchery in Glendale
o The goal is to teach others how to start their own gardens
• Work with the schools
o We have two elementary schools in Vistancia
o Have garden days where the kids come and help in the garden
o Have short workshops on how they can grow herbs and flowers
• Add an all-in-one hydroponic system
o Teach the community about hydroponics (no fish at least initially)
o Benefits and differences compared to soil gardens