Spaces & Places is an idea that was designed to invite any community interested in transforming spaces through art and game. Through this idea you can inhabit and encourage the enjoyment of some public space that has been abandoned, that presents a narrative of insecurity or violence, that is forgotten, or simply of a space that you want to transform.
Transforming spaces will make the population surrounding the intervened areas and organizations can inhabit them. In addition, it promotes recreational activities in the community in order to generate greater coexistence and development of motor skills and coexistence.
This idea was developed by Colectivo Tomate, a non-profit civil association that since 2009 generates and facilitates meeting and connection processes between people in communities in Mexico, with the aim of strengthening collective trust and their self-management capacities so that they trigger participation in the transformation of the environment, through our own methodology whose tools are dialogue, non-violent communication, participation and art. In this way we have verified and measured that trust between people creates the foundations for them to unite and for them to jointly build the transformation they want to see in their environment.
Spaces & Places is an idea that was designed to invite any community interested in transforming spaces through art and game. Through this idea you can inhabit and encourage the enjoyment of some public space that has been abandoned, that presents a narrative of insecurity or violence, that is forgotten, or simply of a space that you want to transform.
Transforming spaces will make the population surrounding the intervened areas and organizations can inhabit them. In addition, it promotes recreational activities in the community in order to generate greater coexistence and development of motor skills and coexistence.
This idea was developed by Colectivo Tomate, a non-profit civil association that since 2009 generates and facilitates meeting and connection processes between people in communities in Mexico, with the aim of strengthening collective trust and their self-management capacities so that they trigger participation in the transformation of the environment, through our own methodology whose tools are dialogue, non-violent communication, participation and art. In this way we have verified and measured that trust between people creates the foundations for them to unite and for them to jointly build the transformation they want to see in their environment.
Todo un placer contribuir al cumplimiento de los derechos de infancias y juventudes a través del arte y el juego.
Aquí el registro de esta increible aventura.
Con la intervención a desarrollar en las Canchas Coras se espera la recuperación del espacio público de 200 metros cuadrados por medio de la pinta de murales.
Lo cual beneficiará a 3,500 personas debido al tránsito de personas de este lugar, y al ser un punto de reunión para el desarrollo de actividades deportivas en la Colonia.
De igual forma se espera que en la pinta de murales colaboren 50 personas beneficiarias del taller de habilidades socioemocionales y Cultura de paz durante la realización de la pinta.
En cuanto a los talleres de basquetbol y hulla up se tiene contemplado a 90 niñas, niños y juventudes.
Se aplicarán encuestas y técnicas de evaluación con la población beneficiaría sobre cambio de conductas con la forma de relacionarse con las otras y los otros, así como percepción de práctica de valores aprendidos en su vida cotidiana. Se espera la modificación de conductas violentas en un 95%, y la mejora en del trabajo en equipo en casa y con las y los otros un 95%Se realizará un diagnóstico inicial en cada caso para observar la modificación de conductas.