How is this for a constitution? I just need some aims...
Tenby Connects
adopted on ____________________
1 Name
The name of the organisation is ……Tenby Connects…………….
2 Aims
1. To run projects with the aim of increasing the ???
3 Powers
In order to carry out the aims the Committee has the power to: -
(1) raise funds, receive grants and donations
(2) buy or sell property, take on leases and employ staff
(3) co-operate with and support other groups with similar aims
(4) do anything else within the law which is necessary to achieve the aims
4 Membership
Membership shall be open to all people aged 18 or over, without discrimination, who are interested in furthering the work of the organisation. Membership is open to individuals and organisations. People who wish to become a member should apply to the Committee. The Secretary will keep an up to date list of all members’ names and addresses.
5 The Committee
The committee shall comprise of not fewer than 3 nor more than 10 committee members, appointed or elected at the Annual General Meeting, including the Officers of:
6 Appointment and retirement of committee members
All committee members shall retire at the AGM but may be nominated and re-elected for a further term.
During the year the Committee may appoint up to 3 extra members on to the committee who stand down at the next AGM but are eligible for re-election.
7 Committee members' interests
No voting member of the committee shall receive any payment (over and above the reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses) or have an interest in any contract or service entered into by the committee, or have any interest in any property belonging to the organisation.
8 Finances and accounts
The organisation shall operate a bank account in the name of the organisation and all income of the organisation shall be paid in to the account.
Funds and property must only be used for the aims of the group.
All cheques drawn on the bank account shall require the signatures of two out of the three officers (chairperson, secretary and the treasurer) and are unrelated.
The treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining records of income and expenditure, which may be viewed by any member on request, and for preparing and presenting financial reports and the annual statement of accounts.
9 Committee meetings
The committee shall hold at least 3 meetings in each year. All committee members shall be entitled to receive reasonable period of notice for all meetings.
There shall be a quorum when not less than 3 voting members are present at a meeting.
Every member has one vote and decisions made shall be determined by a simple majority of those present and voting. If there is an equality of votes, the member chairing the meeting shall have the casting vote.
The committee may appoint sub-committees to carry out any tasks which it thinks appropriate to do so, provided that all acts carried out by the sub-committees are reported promptly and fully to the committee.
The committee may make reasonable additional rules for the proper conduct and management of the group. These rules must not conflict with this constitution or the law.
Minutes shall be kept of the proceedings of all committee and sub-committee meetings, and shall include the date of the meeting, the names of those present and a record of the decisions taken.
10 General Meetings – Special, Emergency, Inaugural or Annual
The committee may call a general meeting of the organisation at any time, and shall do so if requested in writing by not fewer than 50% of the members of the organisations, stating the business to be considered.
At least 14 days notice of special general meetings shall be given to all members of the organisation, stating the business to be discussed.
11 Annual General Meetings
The organisation shall hold an Annual General Meeting in May of each year or as soon as possible afterwards. At least 14 days notice will be given of Annual General Meetings. The notice must contain details of the agenda and the time, date and place of the meeting. The committee shall present the annual report and accounts.
12 Alterations to the Constitution
Subject to the restrictions listed below, the constitution may be altered by a resolution passed by not less than two thirds of the members present and eligible to vote at a general meeting. The notice of the general meeting must include notice of the resolution, setting out the terms of the alteration proposed.
No amendment may be made to the committee member’s interests or this clause.
13 Winding up the organisation
The organisation may be dissolved by a resolution passed by a majority of not less than two thirds of those present and eligible to vote in favour. This should be done at a properly convened general meeting of the members of the organisation. The notice of the general meeting shall state the purpose of the meeting.
In the event that a