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GROW at School

Teaching kids the lifelong skill of growing their own food

5 Step Guide to

GROW at School


GROW at School "Welcome to GIY! We are delighted to have you and your school join us on our mission to get people growing food and living healthier, happier, more sustainable lives. There are over 900,000 GIYers growing as much food as they can wherever they can and together we are addressing some critical global issues one GIYer at a time. Local Action leads to Global Impact and we can't wait to hear about the impact you, your teachers and your students are having through the simple act of food growing." - Michael Kelly, GIY

5 Steps

Who? Someone who...

Resource Checklist


You will need approximately 3 hours a week to look after and maintain the School garden.

School Garden Site Selection

There are many things to consider when choosing a site for a school garden:

  • The garden needs to be accessible for pupils and staff
  • Visible from classroom and playground so that pupils and staff can keep an eye on progress
  • An area of an appropriate size needs to be chosen, ideally in the “Goldilocks” range, i.e. not too small, with an inadequate area to grow what you want but equally not too large for easy management in the time available
  • Your vegetable plants shouldn’t be competing with other plant’s roots; so, you need to site it a good distance from trees and shrubs
  • And if your school vegetable and fruit garden is to be successful you need to consider the three s’s; namely soil, sun & shelter.

Purchase the GROW at School GROWBox from GIY

Now that you've decided where you will be putting your school garden, it's time to get the right equipment.

We recommend you purchase your GROW at School GROWBox from GIY here

Once you are approved for funding by ChangeX, register and you will receive the resources and the School GROWBox as part of the funding. 

Read the GROW at School Complete Resource Guide

Now that you have the right equipment necessary to start your own school garden, make use of the Complete Resource Guide in the resources section.

This guide will equip you with everything you need to know to successfully start growing in your school.

Get Started!

Once you've set up your GROWbox and you've read the GROW at School Complete Resource Guide, get growing!

Take photos to track the progress of your seeds and have fun!

Your school garden is a fantastic new asset for the school and its community of teachers, pupils, parents and caregivers - invite other classes to visit and enjoy the space, encourage children to share their new food growing knowledge and produce with others and continue to build awareness of and support for this programme - you'll be looking for more space for more food growing soon!
