Coding Pirates was formed to create a community around technology, play and creativity around the whole country. Since the schools have had difficulty finding their position within technology, the Coding Pirates associations have sprung up, where zealots have grasped the concept and created associations. We especially need volunteers, as the vast majority of associations have waiting lists around the country, and by creating strong associations from the start, we can ensure that as many children and young people in the local communities get opportunities to work with STEAM for as long as they want and themselves can help pass on the opportunity regardless of where they travel to in the country. It is the association's main wish and ambition that all children and young people aged 7-17 should have the opportunity to participate in Coding Pirates associations and events locally.
In the beginning, it will require 15-20 hours a week to get the administrative stuff in place, get volunteers and advertise, depending on how structured you are.Thereafter, each start of the season requires approx. the same, but otherwise it is approx. 3 hours per week during the active seasons.