Một điều gì đó cho tất cả mọi người

Chúng tôi hợp tác với các doanh nhân xã hội hàng đầu thế giới để mang đến cho bạn vô số cách cải thiện cộng đồng của mình
  • Open Orchard

    Organise an Open Orchard to bring people together, provide free fruit to local residents and green our urban environments.

  • CycleBus

    Promote active travel by bike for school children by starting a Cycle Bus in your local community.

  • School Garden

    Connect children to learn about where food comes from and to explore nature.

  • Cycling Without Age

    Start a Cycling Without Age chapter in your community and give more people the opportunity to feel the wind in their hair.

  • Walking School Bus

    Organize a Walking School Bus in your local area for a healthier, more fun way for kids to get to and from school.

  • Keep Sweden Tidy

    Join the movement to pick litter and keep our communities clean.

  • Grow Buddy

    Create a shared garden in your neighbourhood where people can connect to each other, nature and food.
