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Algo para todos

Nos asociamos con los mejores emprendedores sociales del mundo para proporcionar innumerables maneras de mejorar tu comunidad.
  • School Garden

    Connect children to learn about where food comes from and to explore nature.

  • School Forest

    Planting multi-year perennial vegetables with the help of planting experts

  • Walking School Bus

    Organize a Walking School Bus in your local area for a healthier, more fun way for kids to get to and from school.

  • CycleBus

    Promote active travel by bike for school children by starting a Cycle Bus in your local community.

  • Arboles Frutales

    Habilita un huerto de árboles frutales para unir a las personas y reverdecer nuestros entornos urbanos.

  • Grow Buddy

    Create a shared garden in your neighbourhood where people can connect to each other, nature and food.

  • Cycling Without Age

    Inicia una sucursal de Cycling Without Age en tu comunidad y proporciona a más personas la oportunidad de sentir el viento en su cara.

  • Keep Sweden Tidy

    Join the movement to pick litter and keep our communities clean.

  • Repair Café

    Pon en marcha un lugar de reunión en tu comunidad para reparar las cosas en vez de tirarlas.
