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I used to go to a cafe in Lisbon that had casual coworking and a flexible subscription membership model, where people could drop in for a day and get free coffee & snacks as members. Don't know if yee know of a similar place in Dublin? I was thinking of suggesting to my local pub on Dorset st, Bleeckers, to offer something similar, maybe a lunch, coffee & snacks deal for an all-day workspace. He has space upstairs that is suitable. Where are yee based? Fancy trying that on a Friday evening, maybe 21st to start? Maybe we can do the last Friday of each month..??
Sorry for the slow response peeps. @valentina Not really into yoga myself but fair play for getting it going. If you know a place that allows coworking and yoga I'd be up for the coworking part :-)
Hi there, I'll be happy to join and help to organize. I've been tinkering with the same idea really, so I created a pop-up yoga class (hopefully) followed by a cofffee & networking: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/94418194361. It's on 28th February, 10:00, in Dublin City Center. This is really my ideal day: start a day with nice stretches, then grab a coffee and chat with people, and to still have enough time to work (from home, or coworking place). This is my first attempt, and I'll change the format as I go: happy to join forces with you.