1. Determine garden location - 1098 S Western Ave.
2. Decide what seeds will be planted - corn, okra, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets, carrots, spinach, watermelon, lettuce, bellpeppers, hot peppers,
3. Create "garden care" groups - 4 persons per group
4. Decide "garden care" weekly day(s) and time: Tue & Thur - 6p
5. Determine how, when, and where, vegetables will be distributed to SENIOR CITIZENS:
a.) Create list for Senior Citizens to call and sign up for vegetables
b.) Vegetables distributed upon harvest
c.) Distribution will be from Badosa Arts Academy and by delivery
6. Decide how to get the word out:
Facebook, flyers at senior center, chamber of commerce, restaurants, bank and credit union, VFW Hall, church newsletter
7. Tools and supplies needed:
Seeds, wheelbarrow, tiller, weeder, garden soil, 2 curved shovels, 2 flat shovels, 2 garden rakes, 2 garden hoes, 2 garden forks, 2 garden shears, 2 loppers, 2 pruning shears, 3 boxes of gloves, 2 hand trowels, 100 ft water hose, watering wand, 2 garden carts with seat, portable tool transport cart, oscillating or rotating sprinkler, 6 cases of water, wet wipes, hand sanitizer, face masks, goggles