Ecosystem Restoration Communities Shebella video

Join a global community of everyday, local people and farmers in more than 30 countries, who are picking up the tools needed to repair our broken ecosystems, and creating lasting, systemic change to provide humanity with hope and a more abundant future.

Around the world people are helping nature heal itself by replanting, rebuilding soil, fixing water systems, re-establishing entire food webs, and increasing local biodiversity on degraded land.

Healthy ecosystems underpin everything that humanity needs to sustain life on this planet, yet almost three quarters of our planet’s land is degraded, and more than 3 billion people are affected by ...

Bala haholoanyane

Around the world people are helping nature heal itself by replanting, rebuilding soil, fixing water systems, re-establishing entire food ...

Bala haholoanyane

Eba setho sa sechaba se seng se ntse se rua molemo ka ho qala Ecosystem Restoration Communities

O tla fumana litataiso le lisebelisoa tsa ho tlisa mohopolo ona bophelong.

Ha ho na chelete e fumanehang bakeng sa mohopolo ona, empa lisebelisoa tsena li ntse li tla thusa ho etsa hore projeke ea hao e etsahale!

Eseng Sweden ? Fetola sebaka sa hao
Qala Ecosyst...

“Ecosystem Restoration Communities is a fantastic idea. And it truly is, only if we all get together, that we can get the planet out of the mess that we humans have created. And I realized back in the 90’s, that unless we work with and empower loc...

Bala haholoanyane
Ecosystem Restoration Communities
Dr Jane Goodall​

Mokhoa oa ho qala morero ho ChangeX

  • 1

    Submit your application

    Click the green start button to apply. It’s quick, free and easy.

  • 2

    Qetella Phephetso ea matsatsi a 30

    If your application is successful, complete a few simple steps in 30 days to start your project and access funding.

  • 3

    Kenya tshebetsong morero oa hao

    Latela tataiso ea mehato e 5 le moralo oa tshebetso oa hao ho tlisa morero bophelong.

  • 4

    Arolelana ka tshusumetso

    Arolelana Tshusumetso ka ho beha kakaretso le linepe le ho phethela lipatlisiso.

E kholo bakeng sa

  • someone who is passionate about the state of nature where they live
  • someone who is ready to take action to set up an initiative with their community to restore or rewild the land
  • someone who is a farmer that is experiencing drought, diminishing harvests, and poor soil conditions and wants to introduce regenerative farming techniques
  • someone who wants to educate people in the region about ecosystem restoration and/or regenerative farming
  • someone who wants to establish a tree-nurserie, or plant trees

Ecosystem Restoration Communities lintlha tsa bohlokoa tsa morero

Tataiso ya mehato e 5

  • Join the ERC movement
  • Establish your baseline – systematically map the starting point of your project
  • Plan and do the restoration work
  • Maintain the restoration site
  • Monitor and Evaluate the restoration work


Tlhahiso: Being part of the Ecosystem Restoration Communities Movement is a multi-year commitment. It's easy to join: Joining the ERC community takes 3 days of your time, over a period of one month. We will go through the opportunities and make sure you are featured on our platform. The training will take 5 days. This is an online course that you can follow on your own pace. After that we will help you to understand how to measure your impact while doing a baseline study together. This will take 7 days. The actual restoration of degraded land and planting of trees will require a long-term commitment to make sure the trees survive and thrive.


Lintlha tse ling mabapi le mokhoa oa ho qala le lisebelisoa life kapa life tse arolelanoang ke Ecosystem Restoration Communities

41 Ecosystem Restoration Communities merero e se e qalile

Bona moo

Kopana le moqapi oa sechaba

Dear Earth Restorer

We live in interesting times. We can see the many ways in which vast numbers of people are suffering in many parts of the world. We can see overexploitation of nature, waste, pollution and war. We can also understand that every person and every living thing is endangered by human-induced climate change. It has become impossible for us to ignore what is happening. We have been called to act for the benefit of all who are alive and future generations.

As individuals, no matter how hard we work, it is not possible to consider restoring the Earth...but together we are an amazing force and - if we so choose - we can restore all degraded landscapes wherever they are on the Earth, by taking on this Great Work of our Time.

Let's restore the earth!

John D. Liu - founder of Ecosystem Restoration Communities

Lipotso tse botsoang Hangata

  • Hobaneng phephetso ea matsatsi a 30?
    Phephetso ea Matsatsi a 30 e ntlafalitsoe ke Sehlopha sa rona ho ipapisitse le boiphihlelo ba rona ba ho sebetsa le sechaba. Re ithutile hore libeke tsa pele li bohlokoa ho aha lebelo le ho qala hantle ka morero ofe kapa ofe oa sechaba. Lihlopha tse phethelang mehato ena khoeling ea pele li na le monyetla o moholo oa hore li phethe projeke ea tsona ka katleho!

    Phephetso ke letoto la mehato e bonolo eo mokopi e mong le e mong a tlamehang ho e phetha e le hore morero oa hae o theohe le ho bula lichelete, haeba ho na le chelete e teng hona joale bakeng sa mohopolo oo sebakeng sa heno. Mehato e kenyelletsa ho shebella video le/kapa ho bala litaba, ho ba le mohala le setho sa sehlopha sa ChangeX, ho theha sehlopha e le hore o be le tshehetso, ho ba le seboka sa pele sa sehlopha, ho arolelana setshoantsho sa sehlopha, le ho arolelana moralo oa tshebetso ea morero.

  • Chelete e ka sebelisetsoa eng?

    Ha chelete e se e amohetsoe e ka sebelisoa ho koahela litshenyehelo tse tobileng tsa morero o mocha oa sechaba. Mohlala khiriso ea sebaka, litefiso tsa inshorense, lipeo le lisebelisoa tsa ho lema, lisebelisoa, litefiso tsa koetliso; haholo thepa efe kapa efe eo o ka e hlokang bakeng sa morero o tla tsoela sechaba sa heno molemo.

    Chelete e ke ke ea sebelisoa bakeng sa litshenyehelo tsa mosebetsi o seng o entsoe, litshenyehelo tse sa amaneng le ho hlophisoa le ho hlokomela morero o mocha; litefo ho litho tsa sehlopha bakeng sa mosebetsi oa bona morerong. Lichelete li ke ke tsa sebelisoa bakeng sa ho ntshetsa pele lisosa tsa bolumeli, mesebetsi eo e seng ea liphallelo, lithuso kapa liketsahalo tsa ho bokella chelete. Ka kopo bala lipehelo le lipehelo bakeng sa lintlha tse ling.

  • Ke tseba joang haeba ho na le chelete e fumanehang?

    Maqepheng a mehopolo, haeba ho na le chelete e fumanehang bakeng sa mohopolo sebakeng sa heno o tla bona "Chelete ea fumaneha" le sebaka se thathamisitsoeng ka lebokoseng le turquoise. Ha o qala ho kena o tla boela o bone bannera e tala ka holimo ho skrine e reng "chelete e haufi le oena" haeba ho na le chelete e fumanehang sebakeng sa heno. Leqephe la lehae la ChangeX le tla hlahisa lichelete tseo haufi le oena.

    Tlhahiso e hlahang lenaneng la ba emetseng: ha lichelete tsohle li abetsoe bakopi, bakopi ba bacha ba tla kena lenaneng la ho leta. Haeba bakopi ba bang ba letloleng ba sa phethe ka katleho Phephetso ea Matsatsi a 30 chelete ea bona e tla lokollo mme e ka abeloa ba lethathamong la ho leta. Ho bona hore na o ea lethathamong la batho ba emelang, sheba leqephe la sehlooho la letlole, mehopolo e fanoeng ka botlalo e tla ba le molaetsa o reng "Ingolise lethathamong la ba emetseng" ho fapana le "Etsa kopo ea ho qala".

  • ChangeX ke eng?

    ChangeX ke sethala se hokahanyang sechaba le menahano le lithuso tsa lichelete tse netefalitsoeng.

    Ka ho matlafatsa baetsi ba liphetoho sebakeng sa heno ka mehopolo e netefalitsoeng ho tsoa ho boqapi ba sechaba le lithuso tse fumanehang ho tsoa ho balekane ba rona, re ikemiselitse ho haha ​​bophelo bo botle, ho kenyeletsa bohle le ho tshoarella sechaba. Mosebetsi oa rona o ipapisitse le Maikemisetso a Ntshetsopele ea Moshoelella a UN mme mmoho le balekane ba rona, re ikemiselitse ho ama batho ba 1 bilione lefatsheng ka bophara ka 2030.

    • Mechaba: Fumana chelete, lisebelisoa le tshehetso eo o e hlokang ho qala merero e nang le tshusumetso sechabeng sa heno.
    • Baqapi ba litaba tsa sechaba: Ikopanye le baetsi ba liphetoho ba lehae, fumana thuso ea lichelete ho ntlafatsa mohopolo oa hao, le ho ama lichaba tse ngata lefatsheng ka bophara.
    • Bafani ba Lichelete: Ho tshehetsa ka lichelete meralo le libaka tseo ba li tsotellang haholo, tse nang le tshusumetso e lekanyang, le lefatsheng ka bophara.

    Re lumela seo ka ho tlisa boqapi bo botle ka ho fetisisa sechabeng le bafani ba lefatshe ba kopane sechabeng se arolelanoang, re ka potlakisa phatlalatso ea mahlale lefatsheng ka bophara mme ra ba le tshusumetso e kholoanyane. Ka kopanelo re ikemiselitse ho hlahisa bokhoni ba baetsi ba liphetoho ka ho nolofalletsa tshebelisano, ka ho arolelana tsebo le lisebelisoa, ka ho hokahanya baetsi ba liphetoho ho pholletsa le mekhoa le mekhoa e fapaneng le ka ho bula monyetla oa ho fumana mekhoa e metle ka ho fetisisa lefatsheng e netefalitsoeng ea sechaba ho bohle.

Mehopolo e meng ho ServiceNow Community Improvement Fund Germany

Qala Ecosyst...