The Banister-ChangeX Team held a safe distanced "kick-off" meeting at the King's Bridge Landing site on the river 03-15-22. For those who couldn't attend in person to discuss the action plan, we set up a “virtual” option too, making contact via texts, Facetime & Facebook Messenger Group to chat; 3 Team members took part in person and 7 Team members offered feedback remotely. An additional 10 people are expected to join the Team. We discussed river clean-up dates for a Saturday in June, trash pick-up materials to purchase, ways to promote the event, and logistics for shuttling boats & loading refuse. An immediate goal will be removing accumulated trash along the Banister for the approximate 7 miles from the hydro-electric dam upstream of King’s Bridge to the take-out 6.2 miles downstream at Terry’s Bridge, and documenting the type, quantity and weight of refuse for the first time in almost 3 years. The Team also is seeking to raise awareness throughout the community about the importance of keeping the rivers in Southern Virginia free of trash and abuse to celebrate protecting these wonderful natural resources in Halifax County for ecological and recreational benefit. Multiple clean-ups per year will help sustain this goal, possibly along other sections of the Banister and the neighboring rivers which comprise the Southern Virginia Wild Blueway (SVWB). The SVWB consists of four rivers and two lakes spanning Halifax and Mecklenburg counties, connecting over 100 miles of navigable water and 1,200 miles of shoreline.
Several Team members have been involved with previous clean-up events on the Banister and suggested continuing to work with sponsors like the Dan River Basin Association (DRBA), the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), the US Army Corps of Engineers, the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), and local businesses. This year for the ChangeX event, in addition to working again with those partners, the Team will be engaging with Keep Virginia Beautiful, Scenic Virginia, and the Halifax County Chamber of Commerce which is promoting a community wide cleanup along roadways on April 23rd as part of various Earth Day activities, including 14th Annual “Earth Day Extravaganza” in the Town of Halifax at the Market Square (farmers market). The ChangeX Team will participate in all these activities, including a two-day Better Block gathering downtown, using the venues to help educate, promote and recruit for the river cleanup later in June. The Team is narrowing those dates to Saturday June 18th or Saturday June 25th and will select a few alternate dates depending on the weather and river flow conditions. The Flotilla will be another opportunity for citizens to take action following the Halifax County Improvement Council’s spring clean-up, with this round focusing on removing trash and debris from a State Scenic River listed as one of Virginia’s Treasures.
Seed funding will be used to purchase trash grabbers, trowels, gloves, hand sanitizers and other safety materials. Canoe and paddling equipment rentals with local outfitters may also be necessary depending on the number of participants who register without their own boats. The VDOT–Halifax residency has generously donated orange trash bags. Cross-promotional and public outreach work may also include coordinating with the Halifax County Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD), to replenish the “Only Rain Down the Drain” storm drain marker and public education program featured as part of the 2016 Earth Day Extravaganza. River clean up registration posts, waiver forms and safety guidelines will be featured on the ChangeX portal, using social media, press releases and in-person community forums.
DRBA Executive Director Tiffany Haworth has commented ahead of the river events over the years, “All of the waterways in the Dan River Basin connect communities and people. Most people understand that clean water is important to our health, our local economy and for future generations. I’m so excited to see that the people of Halifax truly value their river by participating in these cleanups.” 63.3 miles of the Banister, which flows past the Town of Halifax, are designated a State Scenic River. It is a tributary of the Dan River sub-basin and the Roanoke River Basin.