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Eco-social-health platform

Philipp Morwind
Philipp Morwind
Philipp Morwind
Philipp Morwind
Philipp Morwind
Philipp Morwind
Philipp Morwind
Philipp Morwind
Philipp Morwind
Philipp Morwind
Philipp Morwind
Philipp Morwind
Philipp Morwind
Philipp Morwind
Philipp Morwind
Philipp Morwind
Philipp Morwind

ka Eco-social-health platform

Every two weeks Community Sunday before Ecstatic Dance Some other holistic Family/Market Saturday/Sunday...


Thuso e hlokahalang!
All help for preparation, decoration, food sharing, cooking, cleaning, managing, transport, publicity... welcome

Tlo le rona!
All benevolents and contributions of creative impulses, art work or products welcome

Liketsahalo tse tlang

Ha ho na liketsahalo tse tlang

Ke mang ea kenyellelitsoeng

Philipp Morwind
Philipp Morwind

Sehlopha & Litho (7)

7 Participants
