Yhteisöille Aloita hankeideoita Hanki rahoitusta, resursseja ja tukea vaikuttavien hankkeiden aloittamiseen
Sosiaalisille innovaattoreille Skaalaa hankeideasi Ota yhteyttä yhteisön muutoksentekijöihin ja rahoita vaikutustasi
Organisaatioille Perusta rahasto Rahoita sinulle tärkeitä teemoja ja alueita
The men's shed is not active. There was no participation at the meetings for over five months. I would go to the center at the scheduled time and sit there for two hours drinking coffee and working on activities to do. During that time I had one succefui meeting where several gentlemen from the seniors home attended and seemed interested. It fell thru and they never came to another meeting. If I could get some men to join and be willing to meet to sit and set up an agenda for activities I would be willing to start the shep up again, but need to find a suitable place to meet that is convenient and easy to get to.